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Internet Exercises
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As a production person, you should be familiar with "what's out there" when it comes to production music and jingles. An excellent source for music and jingles, is TM Century. At TM Century you can select from their stock packages, or TM Century can create just about anything you can dream up. Fees for such services vary with the project. To learn more about production music and jingles visit

They have a large number of audio examples of their work you can download. Amazingly, some radio people collect jingles just like they were baseball cards.

Another source for excellent production music is Network Music. They have a large variety of music styles and acquisition plans, based on your market and desired usage. Visit Network Music at

If you want to learn the fees charged by these two companies for music and jingle packages, send them an e-mail telling them that you need the information for a class project.

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