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Self Quiz
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To determine if you remember some of the key concepts of the chapter, take the following self quiz and see how you do. Select the best answer. If you select an incorrect answer, you'll receive immediate informational feedback to assist you in remembering the correct answer.


A public service announcement is a commercial produced for a group the radio station wants to help.

A 10- to 15-second space at the end of an agency ad over which the local station puts copy is called a wrap.

A LAN is a system of interconnecting computers within a company so that they can all share information on a local basis.

It is not possible to use popular music behind commercials without purchasing special rights from the music's owner.

A donut is a type of agency-supplied commercial that has a hole in the middle of the ad for the insertion of local copy.

A simple, less-sophisticated, method to transfer audio from one radio station to another over the Internet is
A)to compress audio files.
B)to use mp4 audio files.
C)to use ISDN or Internet Service Digital Network.
D)to use FTP or file transfer protocol.

The best way to backup your work is
A)on a medium that is identical to the original work.
B)on a compact disc or DVD.
C)on a medium that is different from the original work.
D)on a flash memory card.

Which one of the following is an acceptable way to transfer a commercial to another radio station?
A)Post the commercial on a web site for the other party to download.
B)Attach the commercial to an e-mail as an mp3 audio file.
C)use an ISDN line
D)All the above are correct.

On a two-voice commercial
A)the two voices should appear in the center channel or monaural.
B)one voice sound should be in the foreground and one should be in the background.
C)one voice should be in the right channel and one should be in the left channel.
D)the two voices must be equalized so that they blend together.

If you have a piece of music you are trying to edit to make shorter, the best way is
A)to take advantage of digital editing, cutting or adding individual beats as they are needed.
B)to use reverb to mask the edit point.
C)to cut or edit whole measures of music within the selection.
D)to use a cross fade to match two pieces of music.

Jack Foley is known for
A)going on location to record natural sound effects to go behind commercials.
B)starting the largest sound effects company in the United States.
C)being the first person to use prerecorded sound effects in commercials.
D)creating sound effects in a studio and matching them to the dialogue.

According to your author, which of the following should you try to avoid using in a commercial?
A)two-way radio sounds
B)distracting animal sounds
C)sounds that have an extended bottom end or bass
D)realistic sounding police and fire sirens

An important consideration in selecting music for a commercial is
A)to take into account the client's type of business.
B)to consider the emotional level, or appeal, of the commercial.
C)to use music that complements the station's format.
D)All the above are correct.

Sound effects used to highlight specific dialogue or an action in the ad are referred to as
A)punctuation sound effects.
B)foreground sound effects.
C)background sound.
D)point specific sound effects.

When it is time to select the announcer or voice talent for a commercial you should
A)avoid voices that sound like regular people because they lack distinctive qualities.
B)consider character and style first and voice quality second.
C)select dominant male voices with rich deep tones.
D)pick the best announcer on the station to work with.

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