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Antes de navegarRead the following description, then complete the activities. Enmarcada, al igual que en otras áreas costeras vecinas por el árido e inhóspito paisaje de la Estepa Patagónica, posee acantilados de mediana altura que caen a pique sobre el mar, y extensas playas de pedregullo. La flora imperante es baja y arbustiva y en la zona se encuentran especies tanto de la Estepa Patagónica como del Monte, como: la Jarilla, el Barba de Chivo, Algarrobillo, Alpataco, Piquillín, etcétera.
Al navegarMany associations are famous for their dedication to the defense of animals and the environment, for example, Greenpeace. Visit the official website of Greenpeace, then respond to the following questions.
Después de navegarIn this chapter, you have read about nature and the environment. Now you will write three slogans to promote the defense of flora and fauna of the planet. First choose three causes. They can be broad, general conservationist causes, or they can target a specific animal or area. Then compose a slogan for each one.