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Antes de navegarAnswer the following questions.
Al navegar 1In the mural titled “La familia,” Antonio Pazos includes images of his family with the Plumed Serpent, a Mexican pyramid, and the Águila Negra (Black Eagle) of the Farmworkers Movement. The mural, which was painted on the El Río Neighborhood Center (Tucson, Arizona) in 1975, suggests a connection or continuum from pre-Hispanic period to the present. Click on the link below and look for the image of “La familia.” Then answer the following questions. Southern Arizona Folk Arts:
Al navegar 2Click on the link to study what a typical Mexican family does together. Then read the following phrases taken from the website. Look up unfamiliar words. For each phrase, write sí if it describes something you do with your family. Write no if it's not something you do with your family. ¿Qué hace la familia mexicana?:
Al navegar 3Surf the following two sites, then list three differences and three similarities between a Mexican family and a North American family. la familia norteamericana: la familia mexicana:
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