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Antes de navegarYou're going to spend a year at the Universidad Auotónoma de Centro América, in San José, Costa Rica. You already have all of the academic information. Now you want to find an apartment that meets your needs: a good location, a reasonable rent rate, comfortable, clean, and so on. Before searching for an apartment on the Internet, make a list of things you would like.
Al navagar 1In order to find the perfect apartment, you can start with newspaper classifieds that are posted on the Internet. Use the following links, and any others you might find, to locate two possible apartments. Take notes on each apartment before deciding which one you want.La Prensa Libre: Alquileres en Costa Rica: The following site provdes exchange rates, which can help you understand how much the apartments, and other things, will
zona: habitaciones: baños: precio: ¿?:
Al navegar 2Now, imagine that you have chosen an apartment. Describe the apartment, the furniture you will need/use, and so on.
Después de navegarNow, write an email or a letter to the landlord of the apartment you plan to rent. Include the following information in your message to him or her.