Cluster sampling | The selection of groups of individuals, called clusters, rather than single individuals. All individuals in a cluster are included in the sample; the clusters are preferably selected randomly from the larger population of clusters.
Content analysis | A method of studying human behavior indirectly by analyzing communications, usually through a process of categorization.
Latent content | The underlying meaning of a communication.
Manifest content | The obvious meaning of a communication.
Purposive sampling | A nonrandom sample selected because prior knowledge suggests it is representative, or because those selected have the needed information.
Random sample | A sample selected in such a way that every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected.
Reliability | The degree to which scores obtained with an instrument are consistent measures of whatever the instrument measures.
Theme | A means of organizing and interpreting data in a content analysis by grouping codes as the interpretation progresses.
Unit of analysis | The unit that is used in data analysis (individuals, objects, groups, classrooms, etc.).
Validity | The degree to which correct inferences can be made based on results from an instrument; depends not only on the instrument itself, but also on the instrumentation process and the characteristics of the group studied.