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Expanding on Your Reading: Playing at PR
PALO ALTO, CA, JULY 7 // -- Spherul Industrial Inc. (Nasdaq: SPHU), a leading provider of digitized farm products, today announced that its projected revenues for first quarter of 2007 will be approximately $32 million, compared to previously projected revenues of $36 million to $38 million. On the other hand, deferred revenues at the end of this quarter are expected to have increased by over $2 million compared to December 31, 2006.
From the perspective of a public relations specialist, what are the advantages of beginning the release this way?
Using public money, the city (your client) commissioned a survey of city employees' attitudes. The results were mostly positive, but heavily laced with negative aspects. The seven members of the city council, all of whom have a copy of the report, are nervous. What advice would you give to your client? Support your answer with a reasoned argument.
1. Written communications
2. Interactive PR options