Christopher R. Thomas,
University of South Florida S. Charles Maurice,
Texas A&M University
ISBN: 0073402818 Copyright year: 2008
Thomas and Maurice’s Managerial Economics teaches students how to use microeconomic theory to analyze business decisions. In a clear and engaging writing style, Christopher Thomas carries on the tradition he and Charles Maurice shepherded for eight previous editions. The 9th Edition explores the current market forces that create both opportunities and constraints for business enterprises. The book has enjoyed success in part because of its mid-level of rigor, clarity of presentation, and end-of-chapter material. You can customize this text. McGraw-Hill/Primis Online's digital database offers you the flexibility to customize your course including material from the largest online collection of textbooks, readings, and cases. Primis leads the way in customized eBooks with hundreds of titles available at prices that save your students over 20% off bookstore prices. Additional information is available at 800-228-0634.
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