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  1. "The first doctor that Eikenberry consulted immediately recommended a radical vasectomy, the removal of the entire breast."

    The Daily Targum, Rutgers University

  2. "The event at the Cessna Jet factory is sponsored by Cessna and the office of Navel Research."

    The Daily Evergreen, Washington State University

  3. Noble Prize Winner in Physics to Speak

    —Headline in Campus News, employee newspaper at the University of New Mexico

  4. "Above: Russell Stuckey pours over the business of the day."

    Chesapeake Life photo caption

  5. "The number of burglaries rose from 688 to 1,266, a rise of 152 percent."

    The New York Times

  6. "He is the author of Talking Back to Emily Dickenson: Essays."

    The Washington Times

  7. "Starting salary is commiserate with qualifications and experience."

    —Job notice from Tulane University

  8. Calenders 50% Off

    —Sign in window of Bank Street School Book Store

  9. "There's the assumption that there was once a time when America was stable, homogenous, and it's citizens were grounded in shared common values."

    Columbia University Record

  10. "Latrell Sprewell will play but reported no improvement in his bruised right ribs sustained by a hit he took in Milwaukee Tuesday. Spree said it effects his shot on occasion."

    New York Post

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