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Correct the errors, if any, in the following material taken from obituaries or make relevant suggestions for changes:

Alfred (Alf) Felter died today after a long illness. Felter, an accountant, lived at 45 Ervin Ave. and was founder of the Gay Men's Liberation movement.
A)OK as is
B)Do not use his nickname in the lead.
C)Do not mention his founding a homosexual organization.
D)Include the cause of death in lead.
The family asked that in lieu of flowers donations be sent to the American Cancer Society.
A)Do not include the cancer society in the story.
B)Do not include the phrase "in lieu of flowers."
C)OK as is.
D)Do not use this sentence
Police said the youth carefully planned his death. Yesterday he purchased fifteen feet of garden hose from Barton's Department Store. He also bought a role of duct tape. While his parents were asleep Saturday, . . .
A)OK as is.
B)Delete reference to Barton's Department Store.
C)Eliminate the details of the suicide.
D)Do not write an obituary for a suicide.
He was one of the few men decorated with the Congressional Medal of Honor in the Korean War. Fewer than 100 servicemen received that award in the Korean War.
A)It should be "less," not "fewer."
B)It's not the Congressional Medal of Honor, just the Medal of Honor.
C)More than 100 men received the award.
D)Both B and C are correct.
He was active in local organizations supporting the United Nations and international organizations. He said that the greatest event he witnessed as a young man in the Army was the drafting of the charter of the United Nations some 50 years ago in California.
A)Refer to the organization as the UN.
B)Be exact. The charter was signed in San Francisco, June 26, 1945.
C)"Army" should be lowercase, "army."
D)OK as is.

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