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Skill Drill: Famous Works
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Who wrote, painted, composed or otherwise created or devised the following?

1. The Republic
2. The Iliad
3. Measure for Measure
4. War and Peace
5. Ulysses (Novel)
6. "Under Milk Wood"
7. The Waste Land
8. "A Hard Day's Night"
9. A Doll's House
10. Kubla Khan
11. Miss Lonelyhearts
12. The Aeneid
13. The Catcher in the Rye
14. Lord of the Rings
15. Citizen Kane
16. The Brothers Karamazov
17. Uncle Tom's Cabin
18. The Magic Flute
19. La Traviata
20. La Dolce Vita
21. The Night of the Iguana
22. The Return of the Native
23. The Decline of the West
24. The Great Gatsby
25. The Magic Mountain
26. Pride and Prejudice
27. The Gulag Archipelago
28. The Sound and the Fury
29. The Sun Also Rises
30. Sister Carrie
31. The Cherry Orchard
32. Candide
33. The Scarlet Letter
34. Wuthering Heights
35. The Mikado
36. Bartleby, the Scrivener
37. Winesburg, Ohio
38. Leaves of Grass
39. On the Origin of Species
40. Bleak House
41. Of Human Bondage
42. The Turn of the Screw
43. "Blowin' in the Wind"
44. "To His Coy Mistress"
45. Through the Looking Glass
46. Don Quixote
47. Madame Bovary
48. Mona Lisa
49. Guernica
50. Birth of a Nation
51. Mein Kampf
52. "Love Me Tender"
53. Ten Little Indians
54. "La Belle Dame sans Merci"
55. The Invisible Man
56. Tom Jones
57. Richard III
58. My Antonia
59. The Emperor Jones
60. Walden
61. The Model T
62. The Interpretation of Dreams
63. The Education of Henry Adams
64. Die Meistersinger
65. Sonnets from the Portuguese
66. Faust
67. "The Gettysburg Address"
68. Annie Hall
69. Das Kapital
70. The steam engine
71. Swan Lake
72. The Metamorphosis
73. "First Epistle to Corinthians"
74. Orlando
75. "Swann's Way"
76. The Shame of the Cities
77. "Essay Concerning Human Understanding"
78. Germinal
79. "The 95 Theses"
80. Black Boy
81. "The Trout Quintet"
82. Silent Spring
83. The City of God
84. Le Sacre du Printemps
85. Discourse on Method
86. Death in the Afternoon
87. Time Magazine
88. The cotton gin
89. Pygmalion
90. A Streetcar Named Desire
91. Point Counter Point
92. Coming of Age in Samoa
93. "Mrs. Robinson"
94. The Grapes of Wrath
95. "The Sermon on the Mount"
96. "Letter from Birmingham City Jail"
97. The Jungle
98. Jane Eyre
99. The Wealth of Nations
100. Fidelio

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