(19.0K)   Bob Thayer, The Journal-Bulletin He shopped and he shopped, and then he dropped. |   A study of grocery and supermarket shelves has shown that children's cereals, which contain about 45 percent sugar, are displayed at eye level to attract children whereas so-called adult cereals, which contain about 10 percent sugar, are placed higher.   The Center for Science in the Public Trust, lists percentages of sugar found in various cereals: Cereal | Maker | % Sugar | Ghostbusters | Ralston | 64 | Apple Jacks | Kellogg | 49 | Froot Loops | Kellogg | 45 | Cap'n Crunch | Quaker | 42 | Cocoa Pebbles | Post | 42 | Trix | General Mills | 42 | Corn Pops | Kellogg | 42 | Cocoa Puffs | General Mills | 39 | Lucky Charms | General Mills | 39 | Frosted Flakes | Kellogg | 39 |