A. Advance Your editor tells you she wants you to prepare background material for the files on the following persons, to be used at the time of their deaths. Write the story so that only the lead and one or more paragraphs need be placed at the top of your copy. Funeral and burial arrangements can be put at the end. You should try to interview your subjects. President: The president of your college or university. Mayor: The mayor of the city in which you live. Governor: The governor of the state. Professor: The senior member of the English Department (or any prominent member of the faculty). Chief: The chief of police. Senior: The senior member of a local law firm. Publisher: The publisher of the daily newspaper in the city. Chef: The head cook at the leading restaurant in town. Head: The head of the city board of education. Merchant: A prominent local businessman or businesswoman. Prelate: The highest ranking prelate of the Roman Catholic Church in the city. Rabbi: The head of a local synagogue. Doctor: The medical chief of a local hospital. Athlete: A well-known former athlete living in town.
Look for human interest as well as the vital statistics of birth, birthplace, education, work history and relatives. |