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Community Projects
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A. H.S. Grads

     A college degree is within reach of the richest quarter of the population, with about 80 percent of those from families with incomes greater than $65,000 earning degrees. But the graduation rate is 8 percent for those from families in the poorest population group, those with incomes of less than $23,000.
     Interview high school seniors about their college plans. Does their family income play a role in whether they decide to go to college? Are there other factors that influence their decision?


B. Dump

     The computer is an office necessity. But it has also become a dangerous component of landfills. More than 300 million computers have wound their way to landfills where the billion pounds of lead leach into the ground. Only one of sixteen computers is recycled. But some organizations are battling to have computer makers see to it that their products are recycled. Localize this.

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