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Chapter Quiz
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1A conclusion is usually reached
A)before reading a paragraph or a selection.
B)while reading a paragraph or a selection.
C)after reading a paragraph or a selection.
D)all of the above

2Authors expect readers to draw
A)a single conclusion.
B)several conclusions.
C)no conclusions.
D)any of the above

3Imply means to
A)hint or suggest something without stating it directly.
B)understand an indirectly stated message.

4Making inferences is involved in which of the following reading skills?
A)deducing the meaning of words from context
B)determining the topic
C)formulating implied main ideas
D)all of the above

5If you comprehend a message that has been suggested or hinted, you
A)imply the meaning.
B)infer the meaning.

6Which of the following words of phrases is not a way authors announce an important conclusion?
D)In conclusion

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