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Anna Quindlen
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The Good Enough Mother


Random House's official author site for Anna Quindlen is here. Read about the author's life on the "About" page and her works on the "Bookshelf"; the home page features her most recent book.

Quindlen has been a contributing editor and columnist for Newsweek since 1999. Click here to read her bio on the magazine's site.

PBS features this bio of Quindlen and excerpts from an interview with her; among other topics, the writer talks about being a woman in New York City and what makes a good New York politician.


This article from MedGenMed, "Medicine and Motherhood: Doing It All," considers the specific challenges faced by women who want to pursue a career as a doctor and have a family.

On the New York Times' Graduates Blog, George Washington University student Juliet Moser offers this letter to her mother, thanking her – in the midst of the mommy wars – for working hard to be both a career woman and a good mom. Moser and her friends have been talking a lot lately, she reveals, about the different (lightning-rod) decisions women make to work or stay at home with the kids. Have you had conversations about this topic with your family or friends?


Read an excerpt from Quindlen's novel Rise and Shine at B&; the book is about the relationship between two sisters--a successful talk show host and a social worker in the Bronx.

This site by a dedicated Quindlen fan provides links to the writer's Newsweek columns and other articles. Click around on the site to see photographs of Quindlen and read about her books.

Several years ago, Quindlen delivered the commencement address at Mount Holoyoke College. You can read her speech here on the college's website.

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