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Mirko Bagaric
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A Case for Torture


For a brief overview of Mirko Bagaric's professional accomplishments, research interests, and editing experience—as well as a photograph of the law professor—visit his page on Deakin University's site.

The Federation Press, publisher of Bagaric's Privacy Law in Australia, provides a short bio of the author on their website.


Click here to read "A Deeply Flawed Case for Power Abuse." In this op-ed for The Age, Jeff Sparrow criticizes Bagaric's "A Case for Torture," claiming that the essay's argument lacks "a single genuine example of morally justified bastinado."
You can add your voice to the discussion here on "Your Say":

Also for The Age, Fleur Leyden talks to Najewa Mohamed, a human rights lawyer who was tortured and jailed while living in Sudan, about "A Case for Torture." As someone who was a victim of torture herself, Mohamed expresses surprise at her fellow lawyer's views.

Moral Dilemma is an online public forum for raising and discussing morally controversial issues such as torture; every week, Bagaric provides a topic and overview of the main arguments surrounding it, inviting readers to take part in the discussion. All discussions are listed in the "Archives" section in the right side-bar; choose a topic and follow the conversation.


This page lists Bagaric's most recent publications; click on the "All Books by Professor Bagaric" to see a list of older books and projects currently in-process.

In this article for Business Day, Bagaric provides nine tips to making your income work in a year like 2009.

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