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John McCain
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Torture's Terrible Toll


Visit John McCain's official website for a biography and photos of the Arizona senator, war veteran, and presidential candidate. features an up-to-date bio of John McCain, including links to videos, a photo gallery, and a list of his publications.

During the 2008 presidential election, McCain supporters kept up with news about the candidate on his blog; it's no longer updated, but the site remains a piece of history.

This New York Review of Books article takes a look at three recent, rather critical books about McCain--Free Ride: John McCain and the Media by David Brock and Paul Waldman; The Real McCain: Why Conservatives Don't Trust Him—and Why Independents Shouldn't by Cliff Schecter; and McCain: The Myth of a Maverick by Matt Welch.


Watch this CSPAN video, from a 2008 Town Hall Meeting in Iowa, to hear John McCain decry torture. "It's not like 24; this is real life," the senator says, and "it's not in keeping with what America's supposed to be."

Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow discuss a "flip-flop" in McCain's position on this issue after McCain voted against a bill that would have defined waterboarding as torture.

In this opinion piece for the Huffington Post, Sam Harris makes a case that torture is an "ethical necessity in the war on terror." Click here to read "In Defense of Torture."


McCain recalls five years in captivity and the horrors he faced as a torture victim in his 1999 memoir Faith of My Fathers. Here is an excerpt, courtesy of Bookbrowse:

Jonathan Karp has edited five books by John McCain. Read this Newsweek piece by the editor to hear first-hand what it was like to work with the senator—and what McCain's writing tells us about him.

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