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Molly Ivins
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For a detailed, analytical look at Ivins's life and career, read this article, a biographical essay, which includes a photo and some links.


Ivins often writes about politics, particularly Texas politics. This is the homepage of the Texas Political Resource site, which provides both cultural and historical information on the subject.

Here are some customer reviews of Molly Ivins Can't Say That, Can She? Would you feel comfortable citing these reviews in a research paper? Why or why not? If you would use them, which ones would you use?


Click here to hear Ivins read an excerpt from her book Shrub: The Short but Happy Political Life of George W. Bush, which was written in 1999, before he was elected president.

Here is an essay Ivins wrote for The Progressive in 2003, also about George W. Bush. How is reading the author's work a different experience from listening to her read from it? Would you feel comfortable citing this article in a paper about Ivins or President Bush? Why or why not?

This 2005 article by Ivins is called "Sometimes You Just Have to Laugh." What does Ivins mean by this? What is the tone of the article, and how does it contribute to--or distract from--her argument? (Free registration required.)

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