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Learning Objectives
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Chapter 20 teaches students about:

  • The Great Depression and the increasing demands for security that it triggered.
  • The advance of the welfare state and social democracy in many countries, and the rise of dictatorship and totalitarianism in others.
  • British responses to the crisis, which included the rise of the Labour party, a partial settlement of the Irish question, and the definition of dominion status.
  • France's troubles with fascist tendencies, the formation of the Popular Front, and the perseverance of democracy in spite of internal divisions.
  • The fascist movement in Italy, its supporters, and the introduction of the corporative state under Mussolini.
  • Hitler's rise to power.
  • German susceptibility to Nazi propaganda and anti-Semitism.
  • The policies of the Nazi state.
  • The origins, characteristics, and consequences of totalitarianism.

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