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Ch 11 Self-test Questions
Ch 12 Self-test Questions

Software System Develoment: A Gentle Introduction, 3/e
Carol Britton, University of Hertfordshire
Jill Doake, Anglia Polytechnic University

Ch 11 Self-test Questions


Which of the following are essential skills for a project manager?
1) planning
2) estimating
3) identifying risks
4) programming
5) communicating

A)all of them
B)none of them
C)1,2,3,and 5
D)1,2,3,and 4

Which of the following are sensible guidelines for estimating?
1) Make sure that all relevant information is available
2) Divide the project into small, well-defined parts before assigning times and costs
3) Make a realistic assessment of the risks involved in a particular project
4) Make extra allowance for contingencies
5) Ignore historical data
6) Practice estimating and keep a tally of the results

A)all of them
B)1,2,3,and 6
C)1,2,and 3
D)1,2,3,4 and 6

Which of the following should always be included in the definition of a task?
1) A clear statement of the task’s objectives
2) Names of staff who will work on the task
3) Resources required
4) Estimate of time needed
5) Any constraints on the task

A)1 and 5
B)1, 2, 3 and 5
C)All of them
D)1,3,4, and 5

A network chart is:
A)a diagram used in project management showing task dependencies and the critical path
B)a technique used for version control
C)a diagram showing the way in which all the computers in the system are linked
D)a diagram showing those areas of the system development where any delay will cause a delay in the project delivery date

This question refers to Figure 11.5 in Chapter 11 of the book. According to the figure, which task or tasks were completed in the time estimated or less?
A)All of them
B)JL-T2 and JL-T3
C)JL-T1, JL-T3 and JL-T4
D)JL-T1 and JLT4

A software metric is:
A)a structured modelling technique which specifies the lowest-level processes on a data flow diagram
B)a way of making a program run as efficiently as possible
C)a measurement that quantifies the system development or the final software product
D)a systematic log of changes to the system

Configuration management is:
A)identifying areas of the system development where any delay will cause a delay in the project delivery date
B)systematic logging of changes to the system
C)managing the system network
D)a framework that supports the project manager in planning the development of the system

The UK Act of Parliament that regulates access to and surveillance of electronic communications is called:
A)The Data Protection Act
B)The Computer Misuse Act
C)The E-Communications Act
D)The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act

The area of UK law that aims to prevent developers using other people’s designs and code is known as:
D)data protection

Which of the following are covered in the code of conduct of the British Computer Society?
1) Professional qualifications and salaries
2) Duty to Employers and Clients
3) Duty to the Profession
4) Professional Competence and Integrity
5) Public interest
6) Organisational leadership

A)4,5, and 6
B)2,3,4, and 5
C)All of them
D)1,2,3,and 4

What do the initials ACM stand for?
A)Association of Configuration Management
B)Association of Computer Management
C)Automated Computer Management
D)Association for Computing Machinery

Which of the following are included in the code of conduct of the ACM?
1) General Moral Imperatives
2) Organizational Leadership Imperatives
3) Compliance with the Code
4) More Specific Professional

A)None of them
B)All of them
C)1,2, and 3
D)1,2, and 4