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Ch 12 Self-test Questions

Software System Develoment: A Gentle Introduction, 3/e
Carol Britton, University of Hertfordshire
Jill Doake, Anglia Polytechnic University

Ch 12 Self-test Questions


A working model which is developed into the final system is known as:
A)a disposable prototype
B)an evolutionary prototype
C)a real-time system
D)a CASE tool

Which of the following are among the advantages of prototyping?
1) The client is closely involved in the development process
2) The system will be have sound theoretical foundations
3) Simulations of work situations can be created
4) Less client training is needed than with systems developed using a traditional approach
5) Less maintenance is needed than with systems developed using a traditional approach

A)1,3 and 4
B)2,4, and 5
C)1,3,4, and 5
D)All of them

RAD is an effective development approach for:
A)real-time systems
B)business information systems
C)safety-critical systems
D)security-critical systems

Which of the following are included in a typical RAD life cycle?
1) Requirements planning
2) Feasibility study
3) User design
4) Construction
5) Cutover

A)All of them
B)1,2,3, and 4
C)1,2,4 and 5
D)1,3,4, and 5

Which of the following are disadvantages of using the RAD approach?
1) Heavy reliance on user participation and commitment
2) Documentation may be given a low priority
3) Only suitable for certain types of system
4) Users cannot modify the code

A)1,2, and 3
B)1,3, and 4
C)All of them
D)None of them

Which of the following does NOT correctly complete the sentence below?

One of the main aims of the object-oriented approach aims is to produce systems that are more:


In object-orientation, a class is:
A)an individual occurrence of an entity
B)the description or pattern for a group of objects that have the same attributes, operations, relationships and meaning
C)software packet containing data and methods (procedures) for operating on that data
D)a procedure which is part of an object

Polymorphism is:
A)the ability to hide different implementations behind a common interface
B)the process of making a program run as efficiently as possible
C)the extent to which a module is self-contained and independent
D)a relationship between two classes where one is a refinement of the other

One of the most widely used notations and frameworks for developing object-oriented systems is:

Data hiding is:
A)a user interface that is based on direct manipulation of features including icons, windows, pull-down and pop-up menus
B)a design can be implemented in different ways, using different programming techniques or languages
C)making the internal details of a module inaccessible to other modules
D)the way in which the system is linked to the outside world

According to Figure 12.15 in Chapter 12 of the book, what are the attributes of the class Baby?
A)name, gender, vocabulary, yearOfBirth, currentYear
B)Baby has no attributes
D)gender, vocabulary, yearOfBirth, currentYear

According to Figure 12.15 in Chapter 12 of the book, what are the attributes of the class Grandad?
A)name, gender, vocabulary, yearOfBirth, currentYear
B)name, yearOfBirth, currentYear
C)yearOfBirth, currentYear