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Ch 12 Self-test Questions

Software System Develoment: A Gentle Introduction, 3/e
Carol Britton, University of Hertfordshire
Jill Doake, Anglia Polytechnic University

Ch 6 Self-test Questions


Which of the following are elements of an entity relationship diagram? 1) Entities
2) External entities
3) Data stores
4) Structure boxes
5) Transitions

A)All of them
B)3 only
C)1 only
D)2,3 4 and 5

Which one of the following is a feature of a minimal data model?
A)As far as is possible one item of data should be stored in one and only one place
B)The model is process-independent
C)The model is as small as possible
D)The model keeps track of all changes that are made to the data

The primary key of an entity is:
A)an attribute that is the primary key of another entity
B)the value of an attribute for a particular entity occurrence
C)the degree of the relationship between two entities
D)an attribute or set of attributes whose values uniquely identify one occurrence of that entity

In a university system, a student may have many exam results, but a result is for one student only. This relationship is:
A)many to many
B)one to many
C)one to one
D)many to none

What is the problem with the data in the table below?

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A)All pupils have the same form teacher
B)The names are not in alphabetical order
C)Two pupils have the same date of birth
D)The attribute Age is derived data

The statements (a) – (d) below all refer to Figure E6.6 in the answers section of the book. Which statement is correct?
A)Students can do many student assignments and a student assignment can be done by many students
B)A subject can have many assignments and an assignment can relate to many subjects
C)Students can do many student assignments, but a student assignment can be done by only one student
D)A student can only study one subject, but a subject can be studied by many students

If the line linking the Employee and the Project entities in Figure 6.19 in Chapter 6 of the book is changed from solid to dashed at the Employee end, which one of the following statements correctly describes the amended relationship?
A)An employee must work on at least one project
B)An employee must work on one project only
C)An employee must work on more than one project
D)An employee does not have to work on a project

The statements (a) – (d) below all refer to Figure 6.14 in Chapter 6 of the book. Which statement is correct?
A)A member can have any number of loans and any number of reservations
B)A member can have any number of loans and one reservation
C)A member can have one loan and one reservation
D)A reservation can be for any number of members

The statements (a) – (d) below also refer to Figure 6.14 in Chapter 6 of the book. Which statement is correct?
A)A loan can be for a number of copies, but only relates to one member
B)A loan can be for a number of copies, which relate to a number of books
C)A book an have a number of copies, but only one author
D)A copy can have a number of loans, but only relates to one book

Normalization is:
A)a link between two entities, which is significant for the system
B)the application of sound engineering principles to the development of software system
C)the process of organizing data items into groups in such a way that no redundant data items are stored
D)any attribute or combination of attributes that uniquely identifies an occurrence of an entity

A foreign key is:
A)any attribute or combination of attributes that uniquely identifies an occurrence of an entity
B)an attribute in one table in a database which is the primary key of another table
C)a section of a program often consisting of several procedures and designed to execute a logically identifiable unit of data and associated routines
D)a link between two entities, which is significant for the system

An entity has no attributes that require only part of the key to identify them uniquely. This is a definition of:
A)first normal form
B)second normal form
C)third normal form
D)unnormalized data

A school library keeps records of loans to pupils as shown below.

BookLoan (pupilName, age, class, (bookID, dateBorrowed, dateDueBack))

If this data is put into 1st normal form the primary keys of the entities are:


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The unnormalised data for a car hire is shown below.

CarHire (car#, carType, carPrice, (customerName, customerAddress, dateOfHire, dateOfReturn))

If this data is put into 2nd normal form the primary keys of the entities are:


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