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Software System Develoment: A Gentle Introduction, 3/e
Carol Britton, University of Hertfordshire
Jill Doake, Anglia Polytechnic University

Ch 5 Self-test Questions


A data dictionary is:
A)a calendar of milestones for the development project
B)a structured modelling technique which uses text and a small set of symbols to define the data in the system
C)a technique of building representations of a system based on the data objects that are found in it
D)a technique used in process definitions in which different conditions and actions are laid out like a dictionary

Which of the following are benefits of using a data dictionary?
  1. It ensures that the system satisfies the client's requirements
  2. Other models are free from clutter
  3. Definitions of system data are held in a central store
  4. Labels on other models can be cross-referenced to the data dictionary
  5. It facilitates consistency between models
A)All of them
B)1, 2 and 3
C)2,3,4 and 5
D)1,2,3 and 4

In data dictionary notation { } indicates:

In data dictionary notation + indicates:

In data dictionary notation ( ) indicates:

The statements a - d below refer to the following data dictionary entry. Which one of the statements is correct?

CustomerOrder = customerName + address + {newspaper + {dayOfTheWeek}}

A)A customer can only have one newspaper on one day of the week
B)A customer can have any number of newspapers on only one day of the week
C)A customer can have any number of newspapers on any day of the week
D)A customer can have one newspaper only on any day of the week

The statements a - d below refer to the following data dictionary entry. Which one of the statements is correct?

Course = name + code + (subjectArea) + {lecturer} + ["Semester A" | "Semester B" | "Semesters A&B"] + creditValue

A)A course does not have to have a lecturer
B)A course can belong to a number of subject areas
C)A course does not have to have a subject area
D)A course does not have to have a name

The statements a - d below refer to the following data dictionary entry. Which one of the statements is correct?

House = address + sellerName + price + [detached | semi | terraced] + numberOfBedrooms + numberOfReception + (size of garden) + {specialFeature}

A)A house must be either detached or semi-detached or terraced
B)A house must have a garden
C)A house must have at least 1 reception room
D)A house must have lots of special features