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Summary Review Questions
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  1. Why are effective strategic control systems so important in today's economy?

  2. What are the main advantages of "contemporary" control systems over "traditional" control systems? What are the main differences between these two systems?

  3. Why is it important to have a balance between the three elements of behavioral control—culture; rewards and incentives; and, boundaries?

  4. Discuss the relationship between types of organizations and their primary means of behavioral control.

  5. Boundaries become less important as a firm develops a strong culture and reward system. Explain.

  6. Why is it important to avoid a "one best way" mentality concerning control systems? What are the consequences of applying the same type of control system to all types of environments?

  7. What is the role of effective corporate governance in improving a firm's performance? What are some of the key governance mechanisms that are used to ensure that managerial and shareholder interests are aligned?

  8. Define principal—principal (PP) conflicts. What are the implications for corporate governance?

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