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Learning Goals
(See related pages)

The Historical Perspective

Learning Goal 1 Describe the historical perspective of adolescence.
Early History
The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries
Stereotyping of Adolescents
A Positive View of Adolescence

Today's Adolescents in the United States and Around the World

Learning Goal 2 Discuss the experiences of adolescents in the United States and around the world.
Adolescents in the United States
The Global Perspective

The Nature of Development

Learning Goal 3 Summarize the developmental processes, periods, transitions, and issues related to adolescence.
Processes and Periods
Developmental Transitions
Developmental Issues

The Science of Adolescent Development

Learning Goal 4 Characterize the science of adolescent development.
Science and the Scientific Method
Theories of Adolescent Development
Research in Adolescent Development

AdolescenceOnline Learning Center

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