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Administration for Children & Families news room
Press releases from the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services pertaining the most current issues facing children and families.
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Albert Bandura
Extensive information about Bandura's life, research, and Social Cognitive Theory.
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American Youth Policy Forum (AYPF)
Explore the site of this non-profit, non-partisan, professional development organization providing learning opportunities for policymakers on youth policy issues at the national, state, and local level.
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APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct
The web site of the American Psychological Association on ethical principles provides information about such topics as respecting others, nondiscrimination, sexual harassment, evaluation, assessment, intervention, teaching, training, supervision, and research.
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Children, Youth, and Family Consortium
This University of Minnesota site provides research, publications and program materials related to youth ages 12 to 18 years old and their families. Topics include adolescent development, physical and mental health, violence prevention, parent-adolescent relationships, peer relationships, formal and informal education, transition from school to work, opportunities for civic engagement, and community supports for youth.
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Erikson's Theory
Learn more about Erikson's life and the experiences that led him to develop his psychosocial theory of development.
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Freud's Theory
This web site contains information about Sigmund Freud's life and theories. Also includes links pertaining to the influence of his contemporaries on his theory.
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Horney's Theory
Includes a biography of Karen Horney and examination of her psychoanalytic theory.
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Jeffrey Jensen Arnett, Ph.D.
Check out Professor Arnett's website where you can learn more about his research in adolescent well-being and download many of his articles.
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This site is dedicated to empowering children to build global social and knowledge networks. To go beyond the home page, click on "English" or the language of your choice.
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National Center for Research Resources
NCRR provides information for clinical and translational researchers for transforming basic discoveries into improved human health.
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Piaget's Theory
Read about numerous aspects of Piaget's Theory.
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Practical Resources and Research
This international site provides information and links to materials about adolescence worldwide.
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Skinner's Views
An overview of Skinner's view of learning. Includes a video clip of Skinner discussing operant conditioning and provides links to other web sites with information about Skinner's ideas and some of his contemporary behavioral psychologists.
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Society for Research on Adolescence
Tune into events taking place around the world with respect to research in adolescence and check out the Journal of Research on Adolescence.
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The Search Institute
This non-profit institute, a leading resource for information about a wide variety of research topics and practical applications to adolescents' lives, provides leadership, knowledge, and resources to promote healthy children, youth, and communities. The Search Institute has a number of pamphlets, books, and other materials on many adolescent topics available and it publishes free e-newsletters.
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Trends in the Well-Being of American Youth
Includes extensive information about many trends related to adolescents' lives, such as youth living in poverty neighborhoods, youth employment, child and youth mortality, education and achievement, and many other youth-related topics.
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Vygotsky's Theory
Explore Vygotsky's background, theoretical views, its applications to education, and a comparison with Piaget's theory.
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AdolescenceOnline Learning Center

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