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Excellent links to information about many aspects of ADHD, including resources for parents and teachers, the National Attention Deficit Disorder Association, and many others.
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APA Education Directorate
Provides teaching resources for K-12 education, information about educational reform, and many educational psychology topics.
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Bullying in Schools: Fighting the Bully Battle
A 14-page fact sheet on what bullying is and how to handle it.
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Critical Issues: Supporting Ways Parents and Families Can Become Involved in Schools
At this web site you can access a number of articles on supporting ways that parents can become more positively involved in schools.
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Learn about cyberbullying and how to deal with it.
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Helping Kids Deal with Bullies
Understand what bullying is, why it occurs, how it can be handled. Resources for parents, kids, and teens.
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Learning Disabilities Association of America
The web site of the Learning Disabilities Association with extensive web connections to information about many aspects of learning disabilities, including guidelines for parents and national organizations on learning disabilities (Council for Learning Disabilities, Council for Exceptional Children, and many others).
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Learning Disabilities Resources
Lots of good information on learning disabilities for parents and educators, including links to technical assistance programs and information about what teachers can do to help students with learning disabilities.
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Multicultural Pavilion
Promotes multicultural awareness, has connections to online research sites, and discusses teaching strategies.
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National Research & Development Centers
These university-based education research centers address specific topics such as student learning and achievement, cultural diversity, at-risk students, gifted and talented adolescents, and postsecondary improvement.
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'Ordinary Resurrections': An e-Interview with Jonathan Kozol
In this interview, author Jonathan Kozol talks about the devastating effects of growing up in the poverty-stricken areas of inner cities.
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Pathways to School Improvement
Explore innovative educational ideas about goals and standards, instruction, learning, parent involvement, school-to-work transitions, and other topics.
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Teaching Resources
Provides extensive classroom and professional resources for teachers.
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Teaching with the Constructivist Learning Theory
An excellent resource for understanding constructivist learning theory and strategies for using it in the classroom.
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The Educator's Reference Desk
The web site of the Educator's Reference Desk with connections to information about education in many different areas. By clicking on the search GEM/ERIC database and entering key words you can access many aspects of middle school and high school education.
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AdolescenceOnline Learning Center

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