1 |  |  Sheena, a 15-year-old adolescent, decides to join the community band. Her mother asks why she joined since she won't make any money, the band isn't famous, and few people attend the concerts. Sheena responds, "I just like playing with the band." Sheena's motivation is _____. |
|  | A) | achievement |
|  | B) | intrinsic |
|  | C) | extrinsic |
|  | D) | mastery |
2 |  |  Amal studies hard because he does not want his parents to be upset if he does not get good grades. Amal demonstrates _____ motivation. |
|  | A) | achievement |
|  | B) | intrinsic |
|  | C) | extrinsic |
|  | D) | mastery |
3 |  |  Which view of intrinsic motivation says that adolescents have control over what they are doing because of their own will, not because of external success or rewards? |
|  | A) | interest |
|  | B) | cognitive engagement and self-responsibility |
|  | C) | self-determination and personal choice |
|  | D) | mastery |
4 |  |  _____ increases their internal motivation. |
|  | A) | Giving adolescents choices |
|  | B) | Relieving adolescents of personal responsibility |
|  | C) | Making decisions for adolescents to protect their interests |
|  | D) | Providing frequent rewards to adolescents for successes |
5 |  |  Phyllis Blumenfeld proposes that students can be encouraged to become cognitively engaged and responsible for their learning when subject matter content and skills learning are |
|  | A) | repeated over and over again. |
|  | B) | embedded in real world situations that match with students' interests. |
|  | C) | spelled out in simple terms that students can understand. |
|  | D) | incorporated into a wide range of subjects that they are studying. |
6 |  |  Csikszentmihalyi's concept of optimal life experiences, which he believes occur most often when people develop a sense of mastery and are engaged in challenges they find neither too difficult nor too easy is called |
|  | A) | mastery. |
|  | B) | flow. |
|  | C) | performance. |
|  | D) | zone of proximal development. |
7 |  |  Sharika does poorly on her intro to psychology exam and tells herself that for next exam she clearly needs to study more and that the professor made the exam too hard. This assignment of causality is known as |
|  | A) | attribution |
|  | B) | self-efficacy |
|  | C) | mastery and mindset |
|  | D) | intrinsic motivation |
8 |  |  Alexander complains to Ms. Walsh that her algebra test was too hard. Ms. Walsh tries to get Alexander to concentrate on learning the material rather than worrying about failing. She also goes back over the test with him to see where mistakes were made and to analyze the problems he encountered. Ms. Walsh is applying which cognitive process? |
|  | A) | attribution |
|  | B) | self-efficacy |
|  | C) | mastery and mindset |
|  | D) | goal setting, planning, and self-monitoring |
9 |  |  _____ is most associated with high levels of achievement. |
|  | A) | Mastery orientation |
|  | B) | Helpless orientation |
|  | C) | Learning orientation |
|  | D) | Performance orientation |
10 |  |  One key characteristic of adolescents with a helpless orientation is |
|  | A) | the belief that ability can be changed. |
|  | B) | being depressed but never being bored. |
|  | C) | remembering strategies that worked well in the past. |
|  | D) | a perception that they lack the ability to succeed. |
11 |  |  An adolescent with _____ orientation is most likely to be very upset with placing second in a competitive contest. |
|  | A) | mastery |
|  | B) | helpless |
|  | C) | performance |
|  | D) | altruistic |
12 |  |  Motivation experts feel that the No Child Left Behind Act |
|  | A) | helps student succeed by letting them know what's expected of them. |
|  | B) | encourages a performance rather than a mastery motivation orientation. |
|  | C) | encourages a mastery motivation rather than a performance orientation. |
|  | D) | discourages students who don not perform well on written tests. |
13 |  |  Phyllis believes that her qualities, like academic performance, are set in stone and cannot change. This mindset is similar to a helpless orientation and is known as |
|  | A) | a fixed mindset |
|  | B) | a growth mindset |
|  | C) | a static mindset |
|  | D) | a discontinuous mindset. |
14 |  |  Maki has been described by her teachers as having high self-efficacy. When she faces challenging tasks she is likely to |
|  | A) | avoid them for as long as she can. |
|  | B) | work harder. |
|  | C) | give up quickly. |
|  | D) | show little enthusiasm for the task. |
15 |  |  Adolescents benefit when their parents and teachers have |
|  | A) | low expectations because it protects the adolescents' self-esteem. |
|  | B) | low expectations because that makes it easy for adolescents to succeed. |
|  | C) | high expectations because it encourages adolescents to live up to them. |
|  | D) | high expectations because failure will shame adolescents into achieving. |
16 |  |  Rowan sets a goal of "I want get all of my homework done by Sunday at 4:00pm". This is best an example of a |
|  | A) | distal goal. |
|  | B) | proximal goal. |
|  | C) | challenging goal. |
|  | D) | regulation goal. |
17 |  |  In his research on purpose, William Damon found that |
|  | A) | a large majority of the 12-to-22-year-olds he interviewed had a clear vision of where they want to go in life. |
|  | B) | only about a third of the 12-to-22-year-olds he interviewed had engaged in programs such as service learning. |
|  | C) | about half of the time 12-to-22-year-olds he interviewed expressed no aspirations about future goals. |
|  | D) | most teachers and parents rarely discussion the purpose of having goals. |
18 |  |  Who would be expected to have the highest achievement level? |
|  | A) | Alan, who has good social skills and is accepted by his peers. |
|  | B) | Billy, who is motivated to engage in social dominance over his peers. |
|  | C) | Craig, who feels rejected by his peers. |
|  | D) | Donald, who uses a performance orientation. |
19 |  |  Students in Asian countries consistently outperform U.S. students. Which of these statement does NOT apply to this situation? |
|  | A) | Asian parents are more likely than U.S. parents to attribute their children's high achievements to innate ability. |
|  | B) | The longer U.S. and Asian students are in school, the wider the gap between them becomes. |
|  | C) | Asian teachers spend more time teaching math than do U.S. teachers. |
|  | D) | The Asian school year is longer than the U.S. school year. |
20 |  |  Which of the following is NOT a strategy suggested in the text for overcoming procrastination? |
|  | A) | acknowledging that it is a problem |
|  | B) | dreaming about your long-range goals |
|  | C) | identifying your values and goals |
|  | D) | dividing your tasks into smaller parts |
21 |  |  All of the following are strategies for protecting self-worth EXCEPT which one? |
|  | A) | Nonperformance |
|  | B) | Procrastination |
|  | C) | Making eye contact |
|  | D) | Setting unreachable goals |
22 |  |  Shamir has high standards for himself and works hard to achieve his goals. Some would argue that he is |
|  | A) | a procrastinator. |
|  | B) | a perfectionist. |
|  | C) | high in anxiety. |
|  | D) | decreasing risk of suicide. |
23 |  |  Sydney stays out late drinking before her organic chemistry exam. When she fails she can then blame the hangover she has. This demonstrates |
|  | A) | a self-efficacy strategy. |
|  | B) | a self-handicapping strategy. |
|  | C) | failure syndrome. |
|  | D) | underachiever syndrome. |
24 |  |  Which of the following is linked to use of self-handicapping strategies? |
|  | A) | self-regulation |
|  | B) | in-depth learning |
|  | C) | superficial learning strategies |
|  | D) | positive beliefs about one's abilities |
25 |  |  In the United States, which kind of job employs the most adolescents in part-time work? |
|  | A) | Unskilled |
|  | B) | Clerical |
|  | C) | Fast-food restaurant |
|  | D) | Retail |
26 |  |  A number of problems, such as insufficient sleep, insufficient exercise, and drug use, are associated with adolescents' working part time. At what level of work do such problems become pronounced? |
|  | A) | 1 to 5 hours per week |
|  | B) | 6 to 10 hours per week |
|  | C) | 15 to 20 hours per week |
|  | D) | More than 20 hours per week |
27 |  |  About _____% of U.S. undergraduate college students work full time or part time. |
|  | A) | 25 |
|  | B) | 40 |
|  | C) | 55 |
|  | D) | 80 |
28 |  |  How have the work patterns of emerging adults changed over the last 100 years? |
|  | A) | Today's emerging adults leave home sooner than in past generations. |
|  | B) | Today's emerging adults begin their careers sooner than in past generations. |
|  | C) | Today's emerging adults find the job market more competitive than in past generations. |
|  | D) | Today's emerging adults find a decreased demand for skilled workers. |
29 |  |  There is a growing consensus that much of the key changes in identity development occur during what age range? |
|  | A) | late childhood |
|  | B) | adolescence |
|  | C) | emerging adulthood |
|  | D) | early adulthood |
30 |  |  Which of the following is one of the findings of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and Barbara Schneider with regard to how U.S. adolescents develop attitudes and acquire skills to achieve their career goals? |
|  | A) | Girls anticipate different lifestyles than boys. |
|  | B) | Lower income minority students are less positive about school than their affluent peers. |
|  | C) | Students who get the most out of school are more likely to perceive school as playlike than worklike. |
|  | D) | Clear vocational goals and good work experiences pretty much guarantee smooth transition to adult work. |
31 |  |  The channels of upward mobility open to low-SES youth are |
|  | A) | basically the same as for high-SES youth. |
|  | B) | largely educational in nature. |
|  | C) | genetically determined. |
|  | D) | of low quality. |