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This connects you with the Educator's Reference Desk site. Type in the word "anxiety" and you can link to articles about such topics as controlling school anxiety, self-esteem and anxiety, test anxiety and performance, math and English anxieties, speech anxiety, and computer anxiety.
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Career Planning
This fun site is designed for students from middle school through college and their parents.
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ERIC—Adult, Career and Vocational Education
Educational Resources on a wide array of topics, including adult learning, learning theory, vocational learning, free scholarships, and much more.
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This links you to the Educator's Reference Desk site. Type in "goal-setting" and you will be able to link to articles about such topics as goal-setting and attribution.
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Holland Personality Types
At this web site, you can explore Holland's six personality types. You can find out which personality types characterize you and how they might link up with potential careers.
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Intrinsic Motivation
This connects you with the Educator's Reference Desk site. Type in the words "intrinsic motivation" and you will be able to link to articles about such topics as the effects of individualistic vs. competitive motivation on intrinsic motivation, the impact of teaching strategies on intrinsic motivation, and others.
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Johns Hopkins University - Talent Management & Organization Development
Offers a free downloadable 201-page "Job Transition Manual" to help guide anyone through a career change.
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Journal of Counseling Psychology
This American Psychological Association journal usually includes articles on career development. Explore the contents of recent issues at this web site.
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Mastery Motivation
This connection takes you to the Educator's Reference Desk site. Type in the words "mastery motivation" and you will be able to link to articles about many aspects of the topic, including developmental differences in mastery motivation and mastery motivation and cognitive development.
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National Career Development Association
This division of the American Counseling Association has a newsletter that you can read online that examines career development issues.
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Occupational Outlook Handbook
This web site from the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, provides information about the latest edition of this handbook that is published every two years.
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Offices of Vocational and Adult Education
This U.S. Department of Education web site offers information about a wide range of vocational education issues, including extensive links to may vocational education web sites. Includes information about "hot topics."
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Risk Factors for Adolescent Achievement
This paper by Lynn Magdol discusses a wide array of risk factors for academic failure as well as policy implications.
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AdolescenceOnline Learning Center

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