Learning Goal 1 Describe the developmental changes in the brain during adolescence.
The Neuroconstructionist View
Brain Structure, Cognition, and Emotion
Experience and Plasticity
The Cognitive
Developmental View
Learning Goal 2 Discuss the cognitive developmental view of adolescence.
Piaget's Theory
Vygotsky's Theory
The Information-Processing View
Learning Goal 3 Characterize the information processing view of adolescence.
Cognitive Resources
Attention and Memory
Executive Function
The Psychometric/
Intelligence View
Learning Goal 4 Summarize the psychometric/ intelligence view of adolescence.
Intelligence Tests
Multiple Intelligences
Heredity and Environment
Social Cognition
Learning Goal 5 Explain how social cognition is involved in adolescent development.
Adolescent Egocentrism
Social Cognition in the Rest of the Text
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