1 |  |  The _____ perspective emphasizes the importance of interactions between experiences and gene expression in brain development. |
|  | A) | natavist |
|  | B) | behavioral genetics |
|  | C) | scaffolding |
|  | D) | egocentric |
2 |  |  A neuron has three basic parts |
|  | A) | cell body, dendrites, synapses. |
|  | B) | cell body, axon, neurotransmitters. |
|  | C) | cell body, dendrites, myelination. |
|  | D) | cell body, dendrites, axon. |
3 |  |  The part of the brain that involves reasoning, decision making, and self-control is the |
|  | A) | amygdala. |
|  | B) | prefrontal cortex. |
|  | C) | corpus callosum. |
|  | D) | gray matter. |
4 |  |  What is the current holding of the United States Supreme Court with respect to the death penalty for adolescents? |
|  | A) | It has been prohibited for adolescents under the age of 18 since 2005. |
|  | B) | It has been prohibited for adolescents under the age of 21 since 2005. |
|  | C) | It depends on special circumstances of each case. |
|  | D) | It depends on the adolescent's previous juvenile record. |
5 |  |  Scientists have found that new brain cells can be generated in adolescents due to the process of |
|  | A) | plasticity. |
|  | B) | reincarnation. |
|  | C) | regeneration. |
|  | D) | pruning. |
6 |  |  According to Jean Piaget, the fundamental ways in which people adapt their thinking and schemas entail |
|  | A) | conservation and classification. |
|  | B) | social information processing and perspective taking. |
|  | C) | the imaginary audience and the personal fable. |
|  | D) | assimilation and accommodation. |
7 |  |  When he learned the value of money, Ken initially thought that nickels were worth more than dimes because nickels are bigger. Recently, as he has begun to buy items, Ken has come to realize that dimes are worth more than nickels. The process by which Ken adapted his schema is |
|  | A) | assimilation. |
|  | B) | accommodation. |
|  | C) | equilibration. |
|  | D) | metacognition. |
8 |  |  Which is NOT a stage of cognitive development according to Piaget? |
|  | A) | sensorimotor |
|  | B) | preoperational |
|  | C) | concrete operational |
|  | D) | informal operational |
9 |  |  A child begins to pull toys from her toy box, and, in so doing, she sorts them into separate piles of cars, trucks, and animals. She also understands that some toys can be switched from one pile to another or can form new piles based on subtypes having similar colors. This behavior is called _____ and is characteristic of the concrete operational stage of development. |
|  | A) | perspective taking |
|  | B) | classification |
|  | C) | organization |
|  | D) | conservation. |
10 |  |  According to Piaget, unlike the concrete operational child, the formal operational adolescent can demonstrate |
|  | A) | assimilation. |
|  | B) | reversible mental operations. |
|  | C) | conservation ability. |
|  | D) | hypothetical-deductive reasoning. |
11 |  |  _____ believe that Piaget's theory does not adequately focus on attention, memory and cognitive strategies and that cognitive development is more specific in many respects than Piaget described. |
|  | A) | Metacognitians |
|  | B) | Neo-Piagetians |
|  | C) | Competency-based developmentalists |
|  | D) | Information-processing developmentalists |
12 |  |  One of the main criticisms of Piaget's theory is that it does not adequately account for the influence of _____ on development. |
|  | A) | culture |
|  | B) | cognitive changes |
|  | C) | conservation |
|  | D) | sexuality and role playing |
13 |  |  _____ has been proposed as a probable fifth stage in Piaget's stages of development. |
|  | A) | Informal thought |
|  | B) | Formal thought |
|  | C) | Situational thought |
|  | D) | Postformal thought |
14 |  |  According to Paul Baltes and his colleagues, which of the following concepts is demonstrated by an individual who focuses on life's pragmatic concerns and human conditions? |
|  | A) | intelligence |
|  | B) | post formal thought |
|  | C) | wisdom |
|  | D) | critical thinking |
15 |  |  Vygotsky is considered to be more of a(n) _____ than Piaget. |
|  | A) | cognitivist |
|  | B) | epistemologist |
|  | C) | social constructivist |
|  | D) | nativist |
16 |  |  Reza is working on his homework while texting his girlfriend and surfing the Internet to find a tune his girlfriend said she likes. This is an example of _____ attention. |
|  | A) | selective |
|  | B) | divided |
|  | C) | sustained |
|  | D) | executive |
17 |  |  Traditionally, short-term memory was viewed as a limited-capacity memory system in which information would be retained |
|  | A) | for as long as one minute. |
|  | B) | for as long as one hour. |
|  | C) | for as long as one day. |
|  | D) | for as long as 30 seconds. |
18 |  |  The mental "workbench" where people manipulate and assemble information when they make decisions, solve problems, and comprehend written and spoken language is called |
|  | A) | long-term memory. |
|  | B) | short-term memory. |
|  | C) | working memory. |
|  | D) | proximal memory. |
19 |  |  Connie has learned some important ideas in her adolescent development class. She wants to use this information to help her teenage cousins make wise decisions and to think creatively. Connie is using the higher order, complex cognitive process called |
|  | A) | brainstorming. |
|  | B) | deductive reasoning. |
|  | C) | executive function. |
|  | D) | hypothetical-deductive reasoning. |
20 |  |  A psychology professor asks her students to think of as many uses as possible for a paper clip. The professor is encouraging |
|  | A) | brainstorming. |
|  | B) | divergent thinking. |
|  | C) | convergent thinking. |
|  | D) | ideational originality. |
21 |  |  Thinking about thinking is called |
|  | A) | metacognition. |
|  | B) | a schema. |
|  | C) | a scaffold. |
|  | D) | ideation. |
22 |  |  Alfred Binet developed an intelligence test to |
|  | A) | show that intelligence is largely the result of heredity. |
|  | B) | identify students who were gifted and needed extra challenges in their schooling. |
|  | C) | identify students who would not profit from typical schooling. |
|  | D) | distinguish convergent thinkers from divergent thinkers. |
23 |  |  According to Robert Sternberg, which student would be most highly favored in a conventional school? |
|  | A) | Analisa, who has high analytical abilities. |
|  | B) | Bernice, who has good social skills and practical intelligence. |
|  | C) | Candice, who is highly creative. |
|  | D) | All of these students would be treated equally. |
24 |  |  The type of intelligence measured by the Binet and Wechsler tests is most closely matched to what Sternberg calls |
|  | A) | analytical intelligence. |
|  | B) | creative intelligence. |
|  | C) | practical intelligence. |
|  | D) | experiential intelligence. |
25 |  |  _____ is NOT one of Howard Gardner's eight types of intelligence? |
|  | A) | Verbal |
|  | B) | Musical |
|  | C) | Physical |
|  | D) | Naturalist |
26 |  |  According to Howard Gardner, |
|  | A) | it is better to administer intelligence tests to individuals than to groups. |
|  | B) | intelligence is best defined in terms of many different types. |
|  | C) | individuals have a general intelligence rather than various specific types of intelligence. |
|  | D) | intelligence is best defined in terms of three main components. |
27 |  |  _____ is credited with popularizing the concept of emotional intelligence? |
|  | A) | Robert Sternberg |
|  | B) | Daniel Goleman |
|  | C) | Howard Gardner |
|  | D) | L. L Thurstone |
28 |  |  The Flynn effect refers to |
|  | A) | the worldwide increase in intelligence test scores that has occurred over a short timeframe. |
|  | B) | the proliferation of culture free intelligence tests over the past two decades. |
|  | C) | the increased ability of adolescents worldwide to multitask. |
|  | D) | the steady increase in intelligence test scores of members of ethnic minority groups. |
29 |  |  What is the current belief held by most researchers today concerning influences on intelligence? |
|  | A) | Most researchers today believe that heredity has a much stronger impact than environment on intelligence. |
|  | B) | Most researchers today believe that environment has a much stronger impact than heredity on intelligence. |
|  | C) | Most researchers today believe approximately fifty percent of intelligence is due to heredity and the other fifty percent is due to environment. |
|  | D) | Most researchers today believe that heredity and environment interact to influence intelligence. |
30 |  |  Adolescent egotism is an aspect of social cognition that involves two types of social thinking: |
|  | A) | stereotype threat and Flynn effect. |
|  | B) | experience and plasticity. |
|  | C) | inductive and deductive reasoning. |
|  | D) | imaginary audience and personal fable. |
31 |  |  Brody believes that he is the only one who has ever felt the way he does. He recently fell in love with someone and he believes that no one has ever been in love like this before. Elkind would argue that this is an example of |
|  | A) | the personal fable. |
|  | B) | the imaginary audience. |
|  | C) | the immaturity of the amygdala. |
|  | D) | convergent thinking. |