A) | refers to living together in a sexual relationship without being married
B) | largest, most loosely defined, and least personal units of adolescent peer society; members often meet because of their mutual interest in an activity
C) | individuals who are of about the same age or maturity level
D) | children who are infrequently nominated as a best friend and are actively disliked by their peers
E) | involves the use of a combination of techniques, rather than a single approach, to improve adolescents’ social skills
F) | children who are frequently nominated as a best friend and are rarely disliked by their peers
G) | describes the extent to which children and adolescents are liked or disliked by their peer group
H) | subset of peers who engage in mutual companionship, support, and intimacy
I) | children who are frequently nominated both as being a best friend and as being disliked
J) | children who are infrequently nominated as a best friend but are not disliked by their peers
K) | also called passionate love or Eros; has strong sexual and infatuation components, and it often predominates in the early part of a love relationship
L) | in most research, this is defined narrowly as self-disclosure or sharing of private thoughts
M) | small groups that range from 2 to 12 adolescents who share ideas and hang out together
N) | also called companionate love; occurs when an individual wants to have another person near and has a deep, caring affection for that person
O) | involves thoughts about social matters
P) | cognitive models that adolescents and adults use to guide and evaluate dating interactions