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Views on Family and Peers at Age 15 (VAD 2.0)
Two 15-year-old white females and one 15-year-old multicultural female discuss what is most important to them in their lives right now.
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Clip ID 1186 with closed captioning.
Clip ID 1186 without closed captioning.

Talking about Cliques at Age 15 (VAD 2.0)
Two 15-year-old white females and one 15-year-old multicultural female describe the cliques in their school and what makes someone popular.
To save the videos listed below to your hard drive RIGHT-CLICK on the appropriate link and select "SAVE TARGET AS".

Clip ID 1173 with closed captioning.
Clip ID 1173 without closed captioning.

15-year-old Girls' Relationship with Boys (VAD 2.0)
Two 15 year-old, white females and one 15 year-old multicultural female talk about how their relationships with boys have changed since middle school.
To save the videos listed below to your hard drive RIGHT-CLICK on the appropriate link and select "SAVE TARGET AS".

Clip ID 1161 with closed captioning.
Clip ID 1161 without closed captioning.

Friendship in Adolescence at Age 15 (VAD 2.0)
We listen to three high school students talk about the importance of friends.
To save the videos listed below to your hard drive RIGHT-CLICK on the appropriate link and select "SAVE TARGET AS".

Clip ID 1155 with closed captioning.
Clip ID 1155 without closed captioning.

What is Love? (VAD 2.0)
A white, 19-year-old female, Kristin, is asked "what is love?"
To save the videos listed below to your hard drive RIGHT-CLICK on the appropriate link and select "SAVE TARGET AS".

Clip ID 2506 with closed captioning.
Clip ID 2506 without closed captioning.

Children's Social Networks (VAD 2.0)
Dr. Kelly Bost of the University of Illinois describes children's social networks, how their parents influence those networks, and how those networks influence children's physical, social, and emotional development.
To save the videos listed below to your hard drive RIGHT-CLICK on the appropriate link and select "SAVE TARGET AS".

Clip ID 1546 with closed captioning.
Clip ID 1546 without closed captioning.

AdolescenceOnline Learning Center

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