Glencoe Health 2007 Florida Edition

Chapter 24: Communicable Diseases

Student Web Activities Lesson 1: What Are Communicable Diseases?

As you read in this lesson, you can avoid many communicable illnesses by simple actions such as washing your hands frequently and getting vaccinated when appropriate. Nevertheless, sometimes germs gain a foothold in your body despite your best efforts. Some of these infections can be treated with antibiotics prescribed by your doctor. However, many disease-causing microbes are becoming increasingly resistant to existing drug therapies. This antibiotic resistance makes them more and more difficult to treat. Learn more about this dangerous public health problem at the following Web site.

Links to Explore:
FDA: Battle of the Bugs: Fighting Antibiotic Resistance


    • Click on the link and read the article.
    • Then answer the following questions.

What are the two ways that bacteria can develop resistance to specific drugs?
What are the two main dangers of taking an antibiotic when you have a viral infection?
You have a bacterial infection and the doctor prescribes a ten-day course of antibiotics. By day seven you feel no symptoms of your illness. Should you stop taking the antibiotics? Why or why not?
If you have a bacterial infection, is it safe to take leftover antibiotics from an earlier illness? Why or why not?
When you visit the doctor for a viral infection, what can you do to help control antibiotic resistance?
In a home setting, is it generally better to use traditional soap or antibacterial soap?
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