Glencoe Health 2007 Florida Edition

Chapter 24: Communicable Diseases

Student Web Activities Lesson 3: Common Communicable Diseases

You have a fever of 104°, you ache all over, and you’re exhausted. You’ve got the flu. In this lesson, you learned about strep throat, mononucleosis, and other common communicable diseases. You can help prevent the spread of germs that cause communicable diseases by learning some simple good health manners. On the Web site below, you will learn about droplet spread, and some simple techniques for stopping it cold.

Links to Explore:
CDC – Germ Stopper:


    • Click on the link and read through the “Stopping Germs at Home, Work, and School” Web page.
    • Then answer the following questions.

What is the main way that illnesses like colds and flu are spread from person to person?
What are the two main ways that germs are passed from person to person through droplet spread?
How long can some viruses and bacteria live on surfaces like cafeteria tables, doorknobs, and desks?
What are the three main ways to stop droplet spread?
In addition to practicing good hygiene, what else can teens do to stay healthy during the flu season?
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