Glencoe Health

Chapter 10: Nutrition for Health

Student Web Activities Lesson 3: Guidelines for Healthful Eating

How many servings of vegetables should you eat daily? Why are whole fruits more nutritious than fruit juices? These are just a few of the questions addressed at, an interactive plan developed by the US government so each American can address his or her specific dietary needs. Visit this Web site to learn how you can choose the foods and amounts that are right for you.

Links to Explore:
MyPyramid Tips and Resources


  • Go to the Tips and Resources page and click on these links:
    • Make half your grains whole
    • Vary your veggies
    • Focus on fruit
    • Get your calcium rich foods
    • Go lean with protein
  • After you have read these pages, answer the following questions:

True or false: To get more whole grains in your diet, you should add a whole grain food such as oatmeal or brown rice to your regular diet.
How should popcorn be served to make it a healthy snack?
Not all brown bread is whole grain bread. Why not?
What does fruit have that fruit juice does not?
Name two sources of calcium for people who do not eat or drink dairy products.
Is it a good idea to add nuts to meat or poultry for an extra boost of protein? Why or why not?
Why should you store raw meat or poultry on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator?
What are the three best ways to defrost meat or poultry?
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