Culinary Essentials ©2010

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Who is in charge of the reservation system?
A)The host
B)The server
C)The cashier
D)The sous chef
When should dishes be removed from the table?
A)After the customers have left the restaurant
B)When the next course is ready to be served
C)As each customer finishes eating
D)When all the customers have finished eating
Why should you always use a plastic or metal scoop to remove ice from an ice maker?
A)Because it looks professional
B)Because ice can be contaminated easily
C)Because you get more ice at one time
D)Because the scoop regulates the amount of ice used
How much coffee should be used in proportion to water?
A)1 pound of coffee to 1 ¾ to 2 ½ gallons water
B)1 pound of coffee to 1 ¾ to 2 ½ pounds of water
C)1 pound of coffee to 1 gallon of water
D)1 pound of coffee to 1 pound of water
What is traditionally served in a demitasse cup?
What should servers know to properly represent the menu to customers?
A)Descriptions, ingredients, and prices of all regular menu items
B)Descriptions, ingredients, and prices of all special menu items
C)Descriptions, ingredients, and prices of all regular and special menu items
D)Descriptions and prices of all regular and special menu items
Which is not a general guideline when taking an order?
A)Smile, maintain eye contact, and use a pleasant tone of voice.
B)Take each customer's order at the table and then confirm them all at the end.
C)Take the menu from each customer after you have taken his or her order.
D)Listen carefully to each customer.
Which service involves bringing dishes to the table without using a tray?
A)Hand service
B)Tray service
C)Stand service
D)Course service
How should course service be served?
A)From the customer's left with your right hand
B)From the customer's right with your left hand
C)From the customer's right with your right hand
D)From the customer's left with your left hand
What should happen before you present the check?
A)The customer should ask for the check.
B)All unnecessary plates, glasses, and utensils should be cleared from the table.
C)The customer should be done with the entrée.
D)The server should suggest an appropriate tip for the customer to leave.
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