1 Which of the following types of salt is not used in foodservice?A) Kitchen salt. B) Rock salt. C) Sea salt. D) Kosher salt. 2 Which type of pepper comes from the capsicum plant?A) Black pepper. B) White pepper. C) Red pepper. D) Hot pepper. 3 The rind of a lemon is called what?A) Zest. B) Pith. C) Skin. D) Mirepoix. 4 What does MSG stand for?A) Monosulfide glutamate. B) Monosodium glutamate. C) Monosufide glutamide. D) Monosodium glutamide. 5 What is a blend?A) A combination of fruits and spices prepared in a blender. B) A combination of meat, cheese, and spice that is associated with various ethnic cuisines. C) A combination of herbs, spices and seeds. D) A combination of spices that can be combined, but do not create an emulsion. 6 What type of climate are best for herb growth?A) Arid. B) Continental. C) Temperate. D) Semiarid. 7 Spice releases flavor most quickly in what form?A) Whole. B) Ground. C) Sliced. D) Chunks. 8 Which of the following terms is another word for sachet?A) Marinade. B) Blend. C) Paella. D) Bouquet garni. 9 Which of the following herbs comes from the daisy family?A) Lemongrass. B) Thyme. C) Rosemary. D) Tarragon. 10 Which herb is sometimes known as wild marjoram?A) Mint. B) Oregano. C) Parsley. D) Sage. 11 Unopened condiments should be stored where?A) In a cool dry place. B) In the refrigerator. C) In airtight plastic containers. D) On the kitchen table. 12 When should vinegar be discarded?A) Three months after they are opened. B) Six months after they are opened. C) One year after they are opened. D) They do not need to be discarded. 13 Which of the following is a nut?A) Brazils B) Peanuts. C) Cashews. D) Pecans. 14 How should nuts be purchased?A) In small quantities. B) In large quantities. C) Roasted. D) In their shell. 15 Szechwan-flavored oil combines which three oils?A) Canola, olive, and sunflower oils. B) Sunflower, canola, and sesame seed oils. C) Sunflower, canola and peanut oils. D) Olive, canola, and peanut oils. 16 Which of the following choices pairs the correct receptor to its stimuli?A) Olfactory cells and light energy. B) Rod and cones and olfactory cells. C) Heat and pressure, and taste cells. D) Olfactory cells and odor chemicals. 17 The way food is arranged on a plate is referred to as what?A) Plate compilation. B) Plate composition. C) Sensory composition. D) Plate appearance. 18 What type of light makes food look more appetizing.A) Warm light. B) Cool light. C) Fluorescent light. D) Incandescent light. 19 What has been known to help people detect flavor, even if they have no sense of smell or taste?A) Nerve endings. B) Saliva. C) Texture. D) Aroma. 20 Which of the following is not an example of a textureA) Crumbly. B) Sticky. C) Salty. D) Moist.