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Continuing Education Links

CollegePrep 101
If you're starting to think about college, be sure to spend some time at this site. It's packed with information on a wide range of topics, including admission standards, financial aid, and the application process. Click on the Standardized Tests link for answers to frequently asked questions about the SAT and ACT tests. The discussion includes information about how to prepare for the tests and what to expect on test day.
( http://home.okstate.edu/homepages.nsf/toc/first )
The College Board
There's no question about it—the more you know about college board tests, the better prepared you will be to take them. This site will help you gain that knowledge. Click on For Students to begin your search for information on the AP, SAT, PSAT/NMSQT, and CLEP exams.
( http://www.collegeboard.org/index.html )
Colleges and Universities
At this U.S. News Online site, you can begin to narrow the field of choices for a college or university. Schools are ranked by a variety of criteria, including by academic subject, best value, or location. You can also find information on community colleges, as well as tips on identifying interests and skills, obtaining financial aid, and finding internships.
( http://www.usnews.com/sections/education/index.html )
Campus Tours
This site allows visitors to take virtual tours of college and university campuses, even providing Live College Webcams to show what's happening at your school of choice right now! You'll also find links to other useful Web sites and resources for college-bound high school students.
( http://www.campustours.com/ )
Student Financial Aid
At this site, the U.S. Department of Education provides information about how to secure financial aid for college. You may even complete an application online. The site also contains an extensive college search section that discusses everything from location and programs to costs associated with tuition, room and board, and textbooks.
( http://studentaid.ed.gov/ )
International Study and Travel Center
Hoping to study abroad during your college years? Then check out this site dedicated to finding international opportunities for college students and others. Here you'll find information about study-abroad programs, financial assistance, work options, and travel tips. Bon voyage!
( http://www.internationalstudent.com/ )
Job Corps
Visit this site to learn more about Job Corps, the nation's largest education and job training program for at-risk youth, ages 16 through 24. Find out whether Job Corps' academic programs—sometimes leading to a GED degree—and vocational training are right for you.
( http://jobcorps.doleta.gov/ )
The Employment Guide's Career Web
This site offers a job database as well as career advice on everything from choosing a career path to writing a resume, interviewing, and conducting a job.
( http://www.careerweb.com/ )
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