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Self-Assessment: Are you a good telecommuter?
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Activity: Are you a good telecommuter?

The source of this scale is: © Steven L. McShane

Teleworking (also known as telecommuting) has become one of the fastest-growing developments in the workplace. With advanced computer and telecommunications systems, knowledge workers can now perform their work at home or another location away from their usual office. But effective teleworking requires more than technology. Some people are better than others tat surviving and succeeding in teleworking arrangements.
      This instrument is designed to help you to identify your "telework disposition", that is, the degree to which your needs, values, and competencies are compatible with teleworking arrangements. This scale does not cover every personal characteristics related to effective teleworking, but it measures three of the most important dispositions. Also, please keep in mind that this scale only considers your personal characteristics. Other factors, such as organizational, family, technological systems support must also be taken into account.
       Read each statement in this instrument and indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree that the statement describes you. You need to be honest with yourself to for a reasonable estimate of your level of workaholism.

I am more organized than most people I know.
I prefer working alone than with other people.
I am sometimes uncomfortable with the values and practices of this company.
I work much better when my supervisor is nearby to provide feedback or support.
I follow company practices when working with clients or completing tasks.
One of the most important things for me at work is spending time with co-workers.
Getting things done on time is sometimes a problem for me.
I agree with and support most of the goals and values of this organization.
I begin each workday by setting goals that I want to accomplish.
I usually avoid forming close friendships with people at work.
I need a supervisor to keep me on schedule.
For me, the workplace is as much about making friends as it is about making money.
I tend to ignore company procedures that I think are silly or wrong.
I am better than most people at getting the job done without someone supervising me.

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