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What's this Chapter mainly about?
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What’s this Chapter Mainly About? (the short version)

If I were pressed to provide an even shorter thumbnail sketch, my answer would be as follows:

This chapter lays out the parameters within which the study of OB can begin. This is done by defining what organizational behaviour, and organizations are. While this may seem quite basic, it is nonetheless essential in guiding you through the rest of the text and the course. Think of these as the goal posts for the course within which we play (I mean learn).

Once that’s out of the way, four very important perspectives of organizational effectiveness are defined and discussed. Learn these well. Why so many perspectives? That’s because so many OB experts have different viewpoints when it comes to studying organizations and thinking about what makes them effective.

There is a section that deals with challenges that modern organizations face. Important topics such as the effects of globalization, workforce diversity, and emerging employment relationships are discussed. While you are likely somewhat familiar with these issues, there are quite a few new terms you’ll have to familiarize yourself with.

In keeping with the overall purpose of defining the field of OB in this chapter we continue with what the author refers to as anchors of OB. These “anchors” represent principles or ways that scholars think about and study OB. Think of these as conceptual pillars upon which OB rests. There are five of them. They provide guidance for approaching the study of OB.

That’s it! That’s what the chapter is mostly about.

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