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Final Words of Wisdom
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Final Words of Wisdom - just a few I promise

Now that you understand about the two parts that mirror one another (part II and IV of the outline), doesn’t that make it a little easier? Now, most of what’s contained in this chapter is “common sense.” At least that’s what I often hear from students. So, how come so few score 100 percent on material that’s tested on this chapter?

At one time or another, all of us have experienced relationship conflict or have used most, if not all, of the interpersonal conflict management styles in this chapter. Maybe, you’ve even participated in negotiations that approximate the bargaining zone model. Why not use those experiences to remember the many lists in this chapter? Go ahead and develop personalized examples if it helps.

Have ever heard of the Spanish inquisition, marriage counselling, or small claims court? Chances are you have, because those are fairly common ideas and concepts. They also fall into the same three types of third-party resolution activities discussed in the text. For example, small claims court is presided over by a judge (like an arbitrator), marriage counselling by a counsellor (like a mediator), and a Spanish inquisition is run by inquisitors. That last example is the one you want to avoid.

Here are some final words of wisdom: This chapter doesn’t contain any heavy-duty theoretical stuff, but there is a lot to remember. Use what you already know or have experienced, but only if it accords with the material in the text.

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