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Study/Lecture Outline
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Study/Lecture Outline - make your own notes

I. Is Conflict Good or Bad?

  1. Emerging view (task & relationship conflict)
  2. Three strategies to minimize relationship conflict

II. The Conflict Process Model

  1. Sources, perceptions & emotions, manifest conflict, conflict outcomes
  2. Six structural sources of conflict

III. Interpersonal Conflict Management Styles (5)

  1. Choosing the best style
  2. Cultural & gender differences

IV. Structural Approaches to Conflict Management (6 recommendations)

V. Third-Party Conflict Resolution

  1. Three types of interventions
  2. Choosing the best intervention strategy

VI. Resolving Conflict through Negotiation

  1. Distributive versus integrative negotiations
  2. Preparing to negotiate
  3. Distributive strategies that work (2)
  4. Integrative strategies that work (3)
  5. Expert versus average negotiators

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