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Final Words of Wisdom
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Final Words of Wisdom - just a few I promise

This is the last chapter in the text. I can almost hear a collective sigh of relief, joy, and sadness from students; brought on by the pride in their own accomplishments no doubt. Well, I’m here to remind you it isn’t over until you’ve written your exam and received the results, which I am certain, will be great. After all, you did read my guide!

All kidding aside, students sometimes have a tendency to let up, because this is the end of the term and the last chapter in the course. Just keep reminding yourself it’s not over until… If you’re not inclined to attend many lectures, start doing so, especially near the end of the term. Why? It’s not uncommon for profs to set aside time in class to review material. This is a perfect excuse for them to reward students who make an effort to show up, as it were. These may be the most valuable classes you attend, because lots of hints may be dropped. Even if that doesn’t happen, by studying what your prof concentrates on during this review class, you can gain insight into what they are likely to test on, or what they consider important. Remember, you can’t be tested on everything in the text so your prof will pick and choose. Do you know what they will pick and choose? Find out. That’s part and parcel of being a conscientious student.

My last words of wisdom are more like words of prophecy: You’ll do great! That’s partially due to the confidence I have in students who exhibit self-leadership (acquiring this guide) and the value I have in my guide with helping students do well (there’s a thin line between confidence and conceit). I leave you with this bit of personal philosophy about learning:

As a final word of wisdom I leave you with the following to ponder:

“If you’re not having fun learning, you’re doing it wrong. It’s supposed to be learning not punishment.” (Claude Dupuis)

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