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Self-Assessment: Are you ready for change?
(See related pages)

Activity: Are you ready for change?

The source of this scale is: Steven L. McShane based on information about these constructs.

People seldom accept change quickly or easily. We have good reasons for opposing change, particularly where it requires us to personally alter our behaviour, beliefs, and/or conditions.
      This self-assessment asks you to consider a specific change that you are currently experiencing. This change might be at work, at school, or in some other sphere of your life. With this specific change event in mind, indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the statements presented. This survey has 18 statements.

This change threatens my status or self-confidence.
I feel uncomfortable with the uncertainty surrounding this change.
This change will allow me to continue my current routines.
Most people I work with support this change.
The rewards, information, or other resources I receive are incompatible with the goals of this change.
This change will be good for the organization.
This change will definitely make me worse off financially or psychologically.
I have received a clear roadmap about this change and how it will affect me.
This change requires me to spend time learning new practices.
This change encourages behaviour that my co-workers tend to discourage rather than encourage.
While this change pulls me in one direction, the conditions under which I work (rewards, information, structure, etc.) in pull me in an opposing direction.
This organization will be worse off if this change occurs.
I will be better off due to this change.
The effect of this change on me and others is vague.
To go along with this change, I need to break old habits and learn new skills.
This change is incongruent with what my team-mates support.
The rewards, information, or other resources I receive already fit nicely with the change.
This change will provide important improvements to this organization.

Organizational BehaviourOnline Learning Center

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