Traditions and Encounters, 4th Edition (Bentley)Chapter 16:
INDIA AND THE INDIAN OCEAN BASINChapter Outline- Islamic and Hindu kingdoms
- The quest for centralized imperial rule
- North India
- Tension among regional kingdoms
- Nomadic Turks became absorbed into Indian society
- Harsha (reigned 606-648 C.E.) temporarily restored unified rule in north India
- Introduction of Islam to northern India
- The Sind were conquered by Arab Muslims and passed to Abbasids
- Muslim merchants formed small communities in all major cities of coastal India
- Turkish migrants and Islam: Turks convert to Islam in tenth century
- Some moved to Afghanistan and established an Islamic state
- Mahmud of Ghazni, Turk leader in Afghanistan, made expeditions to northern India
- The sultanate of Delhi (1206-1526 C.E.)
- Mahmud's successors conquered north India, 1206
- Established an Islamic state known as the sultanate of Delhi
- Sultans' authority did not extend far beyond the capital at Delhi
- Islam began to have a place in India
- The Hindu kingdoms of southern India
- The south: politically divided but relatively peaceful
- The Chola kingdom (850-1267 C.E.) was a larger kingdom; ruled Coromandel coast
- At its high point, conquered Ceylon and parts of southeast Asia
- Navy dominated waters from South China Sea to Arabian Sea
- Not a tightly centralized state; local autonomy was strong
- Began to decline by the twelfth century
- The kingdom of Vijayanagar (1336-1565 C.E.)
- Established by two Indian brothers
- They renounced Islam in 1336 and returned to their Hindu faith
- Production and trade in the Indian Ocean basin
- Agriculture in the monsoon world
- The monsoons (rains in spring and summer)
- Irrigation systems were needed for dry months
- No big river in south India; waterworks included dams, reservoirs, canals, wells
- Stored rainwater in large reservoirs connected to canals
- One reservoir constructed during the eleventh century covered 250 square miles
- Population growth: 53 million in 600 C.E. to 105 million in 1500 C.E.
- Urbanization took place in Delhi and other large port cities
- Trade and economic development of southern India
- Internal trade
- Self-sufficient in staple food
- Metals, spices, special crops found only in certain regions
- Through trade, south India and Ceylon experienced rapid economic growth
- Temples and society in south India
- Hindu temples served as economic and social centers
- Possessed large tracts of land, hundreds of employees
- Temple administrators were to maintain order, deliver taxes
- Served as banks; engaged in business ventures
- Cross-cultural trade in Indian Ocean basin
- Dhows and junks--large ships involved in maritime trade in Indian Ocean
- Emporia, Indian port cities, were clearinghouses of trade and cosmopolitan centers
- Trade goods
- Silk and porcelain from China
- Spices from southeast Asia
- Pepper, gems, pearls, and cotton from India
- Incense and horses from Arabia and southwest Asia
- Gold, ivory, and slaves from east Africa
- Specialized production
- Production of high-quality cotton textiles thrived
- Other specialized industries: sugar, leather, stone, carpets, iron and steel
- The kingdom of Axum was a Christian empire centered in Ethiopia
- Resisted pressures of Islam; stayed prosperous through trade
- Controlled Adulis, most prominent port on Red Sea
- Caste and society: caste provided guidance in absence of centralized political authority
- Caste helped to integrate immigrants (Turks, Muslim merchants) into Indian society
- Caste and social change: guilds and sub castes (jatis)
- Expansion of caste system, especially to southern India
- The meeting of Hindu and Islamic traditions
- The development of Hinduism
- Hinduism predominated in southern India, Islam in the north
- Vishnu and Shiva
- Decline of Buddhism benefited Hinduism
- The growth of Vishnu and Shiva cults (and other gods associated with them)
- Devotional cults: to achieve mystic union with gods as a way of salvation
- Shankara: philosopher (ninth century) who preferred disciplined logical reasoning
- Ramanuja: philosopher (eleventh and twelfth centuries) believed that understanding of ultimate reality was less important than devotion
- Islam and its appeal
- Conversion to Islam occurred in a slow and gradual way
- Some converted for improving their lower social statuses
- Often an entire caste or sub caste adopted Islam en masse
- By 1500, about 25 million Indian Muslims (1/4 of population)
- Sufis
- The most effective missionaries, they had a devotional approach to Islam
- Permitted followers to observe old rituals and venerate old spirits
- Emphasized piety and devotion
- The bhakti movement
- Sought to erase distinction between Hinduism and Islam
- Guru Kabir (1440-1518), important bhakti teacher, taught that Shiva, Vishnu, and Allah were one deity
- The influence of Indian society in southeast Asia
- The states of southeast Asia
- Indian influence in southeast Asia
- Indian merchants brought their faiths to southeast Asia
- Ruling elite of southeast Asia adapted some Indian political traditions
- The states sponsored Hinduism and Buddhism
- Showed no interest in Indian caste system
- Funan (first to sixth century C.E.) in the lower reaches of Mekong River (Cambodia/Vietnam)
- Drew enormous wealth by controlling trade
- Adopted Sanskrit as official language
- Decline of Funan in sixth century
- Srivijaya (670-1025 C.E.) was established on Sumatra after the fall of Funan
- Maintained sea trade between China and India by navy
- Chola kingdom of south India eclipsed Srivijaya in the eleventh century
- Angkor (889-1431 C.E.)
- Kingdom built by Khmers at Angkor Thom, later Angkor Wat
- The city was a microcosmic reflection of Hindu world order
- Turned to Buddhism during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries
- Thais invaded the capital in 1431, and Khmers abandoned it
- Other states: Singosari (1222-1292 C.E.) and Majapahit (1293-1520 C.E.)
- The arrival of Islam in southeast Asia
- Conversion to Islam was slow and quiet
- Ruling elite converted in cities while rural residents retained their traditions
- Islam was not an exclusive faith in southeast Asia
- Sufis appealed to a large public in these countries
- Melaka was powerful Islamic state during fifteenth century
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