Traditions and Encounters, 4th Edition (Bentley)Chapter 21:
WORLDS APART: THE AMERICAS AND OCEANIAChapter Outline- States and empires in Mesoamerica and North America
- The Toltec and the Mexica
- Toltecs emerge in the ninth and tenth centuries after the collapse of Teotihuacan
- Established large state, powerful army mid-tenth to the mid-twelfth century
- Tula was the Toltec capital city and center of trade
- Maintained close relations with societies of the Gulf coast and the Maya
- Toltec decline after twelfth century
- Civil strife at Tula, beginning in 1125
- Nomadic invaders after 1175
- Arrival of the Mexica (or Aztecs) in central Mexico mid-thirteenth century
- Warriors and raiders
- Built capital city, Tenochtitlan (modern Mexico City), about 1345
- Developed productive chinampas style of agriculture
- Fifteenth century, Aztecs launched military campaigns against neighboring societies
- Conquered and colonized Oaxaco in southwestern Mexico
- Made alliance with Texcoco and Tlacopan
- Built an empire of twelve million people, most of Mesoamerica
- Controlled subject peoples with oppressive tribute obligations
- Empire had no bureaucracy or administration; local administrators enforced tributes
- Allies did not have standing army
- Tribute of 489 subject territories flowed into Tenochtitlan
- Mexica society
- Most information comes from Spanish sources, recorded after the conquest
- Mexica warriors were the elite at the top of a rigid social hierarchy
- Mostly from the Mexica aristocracy
- Enjoyed great wealth, honor, and privileges
- Mexica women had no public role, but were honored as mothers of warriors
- Mexica women active in commerce and crafts
- Primary purpose to bear children: women who died in childbirth celebrated
- Priests also among the Mexica elite
- Read omens, presided over rituals, monitored ritual calendar
- Advisers to Mexica rulers, occasionally became supreme rulers
- Most of the Mexica were either cultivators or slaves
- Cultivators worked on chinampas (small plots of reclaimed land) or on aristocrats' land
- Paid tribute and provided labor service for public works
- Large number of slaves who worked as domestic servants
- Artisans and merchants enjoyed prestige
- Artisans valued for skill work, especially luxury items
- Trade could be profitable, but also risky
- Mexica religion
- Mexica deities adopted from prior Mesoamerican cultures
- Tezcatlipoca
- Quetzalcóatl
- Ritual bloodletting common to all Mesoamericans
- Human sacrifice to Huitzilopochtli
- Large temple at the center of Tenochtitlan, thousands of skulls
- Peoples and societies of the north
- Pueblo and Navajo: large settled societies in American southwest
- Agriculture and irrigation
- By about 700 C.E., began to build stone and adobe buildings
- Iroquois peoples: an agricultural society in the eastern woodlands
- Five Iroquois nations emerged from Owasco society, 1400 C.E.
- Male/female roles
- Mound-building peoples in eastern North America
- Built enormous earthen mounds for ceremonies and burials
- Largest mound at Cahokia, Illinois
- Fifteen thousand to thirty-eight thousand people lived in Cahokia society during the twelfth century
- No written records: burial sites reveal existence of social classes and trade
- States and empires in Andean South America
- The coming of the Incas
- Kingdom of Chucuito dominated Andean South America after the twelfth century
- Cultivation of potatoes; herding of llamas and alpacas
- Traded with lower valleys; chewed coca leaves
- Chimu, powerful kingdom in the lowlands of Peru before the mid-fifteenth century
- Irrigation networks; cultivation of maize and sweet potatoes
- Capital city at Chanchan had massive brick buildings
- The Inca settled first around Lake Titicaca in the Andean highlands
- Ruler Pachacuti launched campaigns against neighbors, 1438
- Built a huge empire stretching four thousand kilometers from north to south
- Inca ruled as a military and administrative elite
- Use of quipu for record keeping
- Capital at Cuzco, which had as many as three hundred thousand people in the late fifteenth century
- Extensive road system linked north and south
- Official runners carried messages; spread of Quecha language
- Inca society and religion
- Trade limited
- Local barter in agricultural goods
- Fewer specialized crafts
- Inca society was also a hereditary aristocracy
- Chief ruler viewed as descended from the sun, owned everything on earth
- After death, mummified rulers became intermediaries with gods
- Aristocrats enjoyed fine food, embroidered clothes, and wore ear spools
- Priests led celibate and ascetic lives, very influential figures
- Peasants worked the land and gave over a portion of their produce to the state
- Besides supporting ruling classes, revenue also used for famine relief
- Peasants also provided heavy labor for public works
- Inca priests served the gods
- Venerated sun god called Inti
- Creator god, Viracocha
- Ritual sacrifices practiced, but not of humans
- Inca religion had a strong moral dimension: rewards and punishments
- The societies of Oceania
- The nomadic foragers of Australia
- Nomadic, foraging societies; did not take up agriculture
- Exchanged surplus food and small items during their seasonal migrations
- Peoples on north coast had limited trade with mariners of New Guinea
- Aboriginal culture and religious traditions
- Intense concern with immediate environments
- Stories and myths related to geographical features
- The development of Pacific Island society
- Trade between island groups such as Tonga, Samoa, and Fiji
- Distant islands more isolated, especially eastern Pacific
- Polynesian mariners took long voyages
- Settled Easter Island about 300 C.E.
- Reached west coast of South America
- Brought back sweet potato, new staple crop in Polynesia
- Settled Hawaiian Islands early centuries C.E.; also twelfth- and thirteenth-century voyages
- Population growth on all larger Pacific islands
- Result of diversified farming and fishing
- Hawaii may have had five hundred thousand people in the late eighteenth century
- On Easter Island, conflict and environmental degradation from overpopulation
- More complex social and political structures
- Sandeluer dynasty at Pohnpei in Carolina Islands, 1200-1600
- Workers became more specialized; distinct classes emerged
- Social classes: high chiefs, lesser chiefs, priests, commoners
- Powerful chiefs created centralized states in Tonga and Hawaii
- Ali'i nui: high chiefs of Hawaii
- Chiefs allocated lands, organized men into military forces
- In Polynesian religion, priests were intermediaries between gods and humans
- Gods of war and agriculture were common
- The marae Mahaiatea on Tahiti was a huge step pyramid for religious rituals
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