Traditions and Encounters, 4th Edition (Bentley)Chapter 25:
NEW WORLDS: THE AMERICAS AND OCEANIAChapter Outline- Colliding worlds
- The Spanish Caribbean
- Indigenous peoples were the Taino
- Lived in small villages under authority of chiefs
- Showed little resistance to European visitors
- Columbus built the fort of Santo Domingo, capital of the Spanish Caribbean
- Taino conscripted to mine gold
- Encomiendas: land grants to Spanish settlers with total control over local people
- Brutal abuses plus smallpox brought decline of Taino populations
- The conquest of Mexico and Peru
- Hernan Cortés
- Aztec and Inca societies wealthier, more complex than Caribbean societies
- With 450 men, Cortés conquered the Aztec empire, 1519-1521
- Tribal resentment against the Mexica helped Cortés
- Epidemic disease (smallpox) also aided Spanish efforts
- Francisco Pizarro
- Led a small band of men and toppled the Inca empire, 1532-1533
- Internal problems and smallpox aided Pizarro's efforts
- By 1540 Spanish forces controlled all the former Inca empire
- Iberian empires in the Americas
- Spanish colonial administration formalized by 1570
- Administrative centers in Mexico and Peru governed by viceroys
- Viceroys reviewed by audiencias, courts appointed by the king
- Viceroys had sweeping powers within jurisdictions
- Portuguese Brazil: given to Portugal by Treaty of Tordesillas
- Portuguese king granted Brazil to nobles, with a governor to oversee
- Sugar plantations by mid-sixteenth century
- Colonial American society
- European-style society in cities, indigenous culture persisted in rural areas
- More exploitation of New World than settlement
- Still, many Iberian migrants settled in the Americas, 1500-1800
- Settler colonies in North America
- Foundation of colonies on east coast, exploration of west coast
- France and England came seeking fur, fish, trade routes in the early seventeenth century
- Settlements suffered isolation, food shortages
- Colonial government different from Iberian colonies
- North American colonies controlled by private investors with little royal backing
- Royal authority and royal governors, but also institutions of self-government
- Relations with indigenous peoples
- Settlers' farms interrupted the migrations of indigenous peoples
- Settlers seized lands, then justified with treaties
- Natives retaliated with raids on farms and villages
- Attacks on European communities brought reprisals from settlers
- Between 1500 and 1800, native population of North America dropped 90 percent
- Colonial society in the Americas
- The formation of multicultural societies
- In Spanish and Portuguese settlements, mestizo societies emerged
- Peoples of varied ancestry lived together under European rule
- Mestizo: the children of Spanish and Portuguese men and native women
- Society of Brazil more thoroughly mixed: mestizos, mulattoes, zambos
- Typically the social (and racial) hierarchy in Iberian colonies was as follows:
- Whites (peninsulares and criollos) owned the land and held the power
- Mixed races (mestizos and zambos) performed much of the manual labor
- Africans and natives were at the bottom
- North American societies
- Greater gender balance among settlers allowed marriage within their own groups
- Relationships of French traders and native women generated some métis
- English disdainful of interracial marriages
- Cultural borrowing: plants, crops, deerskin clothes
- Mining and agriculture in the Spanish empire
- Silver more plentiful than gold, the basis of Spanish New World wealth
- Conquistadores melted Aztec and Inca gold artifacts into ingots
- Two major sites of silver mining: Zacatecas (Mexico) and Potosi (Peru)
- The global significance of silver
- One-fifth of all silver mined went to royal Spanish treasury (the quinto)
- Paid for Spanish military and bureaucracy
- Passed on to European and then to Asian markets for luxury trade goods
- Large private estates, or haciendas, were the basis of Spanish American production
- Produced foodstuffs for local production
- Abusive encomienda system replaced by the repartimiento system
- Repartimiento system replaced by free laborers by the mid-seventeenth century
- Resistance to Spanish rule by indigenous people
- Various forms of resistance: rebellion, indolence, retreat
- Difficult for natives to register complaints: Poma de Ayala's attempt
- Sugar and slavery in Portuguese Brazil
- The Portuguese empire in Brazil dependent on sugar production
- Colonial Brazilian life revolved around the sugar mill, or engenho
- Engenho combined agricultural and industrial enterprises
- Sugar planters became the landed nobility
- Growth of slavery in Brazil
- Native peoples of Brazil were not cultivators; they resisted farm labor
- Smallpox and measles reduced indigenous population
- Imported African slaves for cane and sugar production after 1530
- High death rate and low birth rate fed constant demand for more slaves
- Roughly, every ton of sugar cost one human life
- Fur traders and settlers in North America
- The fur trade was very profitable
- Native peoples trapped for and traded with Europeans
- Impact of the fur trade
- Environmental impact
- Conflicts among natives competing for resources
- European settler-cultivators posed more serious threat to native societies
- Cultivation of cash crops--tobacco, rice, indigo, and later, cotton
- Indentured labor flocked to North America in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
- African slaves replaced indentured servants in the late seventeenth century
- Slave labor not yet prominent in North America (lack of labor-intensive crops)
- New England merchants participated in slave trade, distillation of rum
- Christianity and native religions in the Americas
- Spanish missionaries introduced Catholicism
- Mission schools and churches established
- Some missionaries recorded the languages and traditions of native peoples
- Native religions survived but the Catholic Church attracted many converts
- In 1531, the Virgin of Guadalupe became a national symbol
- French and English missions less successful
- North American populations not settled or captive
- English colonists had little interest in converting indigenous peoples
- French missionaries worked actively, but met only modest success
- Europeans in the Pacific
- Australia and the larger world
- Dutch mariners explored west Australia in the seventeenth century
- No spices, no farmland
- Australia held little interest until the eighteenth century
- British captain James Cook explored east Australia in 1770
- In 1788, England established first settlement in Australia as a penal colony
- Free settlers outnumbered convicted criminal migrants after 1830s
- The Pacific Islands and the larger world
- Spanish voyages in the Pacific after Magellan
- Regular voyages from Acapulco to Manila on the trade winds
- Spanish mariners visited Pacific Islands; some interest in Guam and the Marianas
- Indigenous Chamorro population resisted but decimated by smallpox
- Impact on Pacific islanders of regular visitors and trade
- Occasional misunderstandings and skirmishes
- Whalers were regular visitors after the eighteenth century
- Missionaries, merchants, and planters followed
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