Traditions and Encounters, 4th Edition (Bentley)Chapter 7:
THE EMPIRES OF PERSIAChapter Outline- The rise and fall of the Persian Empires
- The Achaemenid Empire
- Medes and Persians migrated from central Asia to Persia before 1000 B.C.E.
- Indo-European speakers, sharing cultural traits with Aryans
- Challenged the Assyrian and Babylonian empires
- Cyrus the Achaemenid (the Shepherd) (reigned 558-530 B.C.E.)
- Became king of Persian tribes in 558 B.C.E.
- All of Iran under his control by 548 B.C.E.
- Established a vast empire from India to borders of Egypt
- Cyrus's son, Cambyses (reigned 530-522 B.C.E.), conquered Egypt in 525
- Darius (reigned 521-486 B.C.E.); largest extent of empire; population thirty-five million
- Diverse empire, seventy ethnic groups
- New capital at Persepolis, 520 B.C.E.
- Achaemenid administration
- Twenty-three satrapies (Persian governors), appointed by central government
- Local officials were from local population
- Satraps' power was checked by military officers and "imperial spies"
- Replaced irregular tribute payments with formal taxes
- Standardization of coins and laws
- Communication systems: Persian Royal Road and postal stations
- Decline and fall of the Achaemenid Empire
- Commonwealth: law, justice, administration led to political stability and public works
- Xerxes (reigned 486-465 B.C.E.)
- Retreated from the policy of cultural toleration
- Caused ill will and rebellions among the peoples in Mesopotamia and Egypt
- The Persian Wars (500-479 B.C.E.)
- Rebellion of Ionian Greeks
- Persian rulers failed to put down the rebellion, sparred for 150 years
- Alexander of Macedon invaded Persia in 334 B.C.E.
- Battle of Gaugamela, the end of Achaemenid empire, in 331 B.C.E.
- Alexander burned the city of Persepolis
- The Seleucid, Parthian, and Sasanid Empires
- Seleucus inherited most of Achaemenid when Alexander died
- Retained the Achaemenid system of administration
- Opposition from native Persians; lost control over northern India and Iran
- The Parthians, based in Iran, extend to Mesopotamia
- Power of Parthian was heavy cavalry
- Mithradates I established a empire through conquests from 171-155 B.C.E.
- Parthian government followed the example of Achaemenid administration
- The Sasanids, from Persia, toppled Parthians; ruled 224-651 C.E.
- Merchants brought in various crops from India and China
- Shapur I (239-272 C.E.); buffer states with Romans; standoff with Kushan
- In 651 C.E., empire incorporated into Islamic empire
- Imperial society and economy
- Social development in classical Persia
- Nomadic society; importance of family and clan relationships
- Imperial bureaucrats
- Imperial administration called for educated bureaucrats
- Shared power and influence with warriors and clan leaders
- Free classes were bulk of Persian society
- In the city: artisans, craftsmen, merchants, civil servants
- In the countryside: peasants, some of whom were building underground canals (qanat)
- Large class of slaves who were prisoners of war and debtors
- Economic foundations of classical Persia
- Agriculture was the economic foundation
- Trade from India to Egypt
- Standardized coins, good trade routes, markets, banks
- Specialization of production in different regions
- Religions of salvation in classical Persian society
- Zarathustra and his faith
- Zoroastrianism
- Emerged from the teachings of Zarathustra
- Visions; supreme god (Ahura Mazda) made Zarathustra prophet
- The Gathas, Zarathustra's hymns in honor of deities
- Teachings preserved later in writing, by magi
- Compilation of the holy scriptures, Avesta, under Sasanid dynasty
- Zoroastrian teachings
- Ahura Mazda as a supreme deity, with six lesser deities
- Cosmic conflict between Ahura Mazda (good) and Angra Mainyu (evil)
- Heavenly paradise and hellish realm as reward and punishment
- The material world as a blessing
- Moral formula: good words, good thoughts, good deeds
- Popularity of Zoroastrianism grows from sixth century B.C.E.
- Attracted Persian aristocrats and ruling elites
- Darius regarded Ahura Mazda as supreme God
- Most popular in Iran; followings in Mesopotamia, Anatolia, Egypt, and more
- Religions of salvation in a cosmopolitan society
- Suffering of Zoroastrian community during Alexander's invasion
- Officially sponsored Zoroastrianism during the Sasanid empire
- The Zoroastrians' difficulties
- Islamic conquerors toppled the Sasanid Empire, seventh century C.E.
- Some Zoroastrians fled to India (Parsis)
- Most Zoroastrians in Persia converted to Islam
- Some Zoroastrians still exist in modern-day Iran
- Zoroastrianism influenced Judaism, Christianity, and later, Islam
- Buddhism, Christianity, Manichaeism, Judaism also in Persia
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